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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

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BuckNutty;918642; said:

Maybe that movie is where the fools up north got the idea to schedule ASU. Maybe they should have done a little more research beyond a 5 dollar rental from Blockbuster of "The Longest Yard". This just keeps getting better and better!

Go Buckeyes!!
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MililaniBuckeye;918702; said:
Wasn't it Burgess?

We need to find out because that would just be too fucking funny.

Wells4Heisman;918708; said:
I heard somewhere it was Crable who let him through.

Crable's HOF career has ended at tsun. He's currently trying to figure out exactly what in the fuck kinesiology is and how to get a job doing it.
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Jaxbuck;918717; said:
We need to find out because that would just be too fucking funny.

Crable's HOF career has ended at tsun. He's currently trying to figure out exactly what in the fuck kinesiology is and how to get a job doing it.

Does not ID the player, but confirms that the guy who missed the block is a captain... and one who screwed the pooch on the prior FG attempt. I think that was Crable, but am not sure.
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MililaniBuckeye;918702; said:
Wasn't it Burgess?

Wells4Heisman;918708; said:
I heard somewhere it was Crable who let him through.

Best Buckeye;918713; said:
I thought he graduated. He isn't on their 2 deep.

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;918719; said:
Does not ID the player, but confirms that the guy who missed the block is a captain... and one who screwed the pooch on the prior FG attempt. I think that was Crable, but am not sure.

OSUsushichic;918720; said:
He's on the Ravens, where Troy can still run by him.

Looks like I had the wrong turncoat linebacker... :biggrin:
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It was Crable according to this Blog.
Go to the ? UM Football forum

by Hartman20, 9/2/07 21:01 ET

Go to the ? UM Football forum

162989.2. Umm, Crable is a 4 year senior
by RickLeach7, 9/2/07 19:44 ET
Re: Not for one second by live4fall, 9/2/07 He missed his assignment.
That's coaching yes, but success is an equation.
coaching + execution = victory In my opinion, players allowed themselves to be swindled into believing they're something other than 0-0-0.Maybe we'll see a change next Saturday.I will not hold my breath, however.
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#2 for tsun is Crable right?

If so, ottomh he has now-
  • been mack trucked for the GW TD in The Game 2005 along with his other traitor bastard LB from Ohio.
  • missed the tackle on Beanie in the backfield during his big TD run in The Game '06.
  • drew the personal fould by hitting TS late/OOB and helmet to helmet in The Game '06
  • and now fucked up at least 1 if not 2 late FG attempts in the biggest upset loss in D1a football history.
and thats just the shit I know from watching 3 games. He's their CAPTAIN...seems like a long time ago that the Ohio traitors actually produced up there doesn't it?
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I think it's Crable....

At the 4:10 mark of this video, you see him whiff on the block (ALWAYS PROTECT YOUR INSIDE GAP!!) and at 4:13-4:14 start to run after the guy who blocked the kick.

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Its a tall black guy with a single digit number so the odds are narrowing down but I can't make it out from the youtube shots. Guess I'll just have to rewatch it on the BTN about 20 times. :wink2:
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Also, I wanted to thank you guys for keeping it civil and classy towards me after this game. There's obviously a lot of room for shit talking and I'd agree with every reason, but no one acted like a royal prick and I appreciate that. I will now wander onto oncoming traffic because I just remembered we lost to Appalachian State at home :(
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