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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

stowfan;917880; said:
This will be an instant classic
although the statement is literally true, unfortunately we will not be able to view it on ESPN Classic because the BTN has refused to sell the rights to the game... which is another reason to hate those money grubbing (expletives deleted).
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lvbuckeye;918805; said:
although the statement is literally true, unfortunately we will not be able to view it on ESPN Classic because the BTN has refused to sell the rights to the game... which is another reason to hate those money grubbing (expletives deleted).
actually the BTN showed it over tonight and will again. I watched it and could have copied it but why waste a dvd disc.
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Bonus;918786; said:
11-1?? How about living in the now? The fact of the matter is this.... Michigan does NOT deserve to even be ranked right now. They will be, which is a joke, but there is a legit chance Michigan starts the season 0-3. And if you think Notre Dame looked bad, they did. But they also played a Division I-A school, not a I-AA school. 11-1?? No chance.

Having faith in my own team I could actually see them going 10-2, I mean Llllloyd is gonna make sure they remember this and any halfway decent talker can use it to light a fire under thier ass. It really depends on how they choose to respond, if they sit and dwell on it they will drop 2-3 more games, if they chose to react correctly they will be demolishing teams in thier way. We'll know next week for sure, is it duck season or wolverine season?
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Jaxbuck;918695; said:
Mili's exactly right. Its the same scenario as The Game 2005. APSU running to the field side to reduce the angle, takes off seconds and forces tsun to burn TO's.

The fact tsun was setting up for a makeable game winning FG shows you the APSU strategy was flawed. Take the sucker down another 15 seconds and no timeouts, tsun has to get a huge run back and throw a hail mary into the endzone. There isn't time for anything else.

Lucky break for APSU that the tsun wingman wasn't coached very well(or is a complete moron) and let the inside rush man through. Thats JV football 101 stuff there.
all of you Monday Morning Quarterbacks are not recognizing the fact that if ASU would have run a play to center the ball, the scUM players would have been VERRRRRRRRRRY slow to get off the pile (the kind of cheap shit that LLLLLLLoyd is famous for), and ASU didn't have any timeouts left. there was NO guarantee that there would even BE a third down, given the fact that there were only 30 seconds left. ASU's coach said as much in the presser. he had a guaranteed opportunity for 3 on first down, and first down ONLY. it was ABSOLUTELY the correct call.
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Best Buckeye;918808; said:
actually the BTN showed it over tonight and will again. I watched it and could have copied it but why waste a dvd disc.
how many cable companies have a deal with the BTN again? whether or not the BTN plays it again is irrelevant. i don't have the BTN, nor do i have the opportunity to get the BTN because they have no deal with Cox communications. what IS relevant is the morons at the BTN basically ensured that maybe the greatest upset in college football history went virtually unwatched. if this was last year, the last three minutes of that game would have been playing on damn near every college football watching household in the country.
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Thinking like this makes me laugh. Two days ago everybody had Michigan going 11-0 into The Game. Now all of a sudden they are going to go 0-3? It's the same team. They lost cuz their heads were elsewhere. A great team can look like crap when they aren't mentally prepared. I think we saw that in the NC game last year. This might jumpstart Michigan to be better than they would have been without this loss. I will be VERY surprised, if Michigan loses to Oregon. And anything can happen in the ND/UM game...but Notre Dame is still nowhere near where Michigan is, talent wise. But if Notre Dame comes to win, and Michigan just shows up...well...anytime Michigan just shows up they will probably lose. But if they enter a game to win, I still believe they are one of the best teams in the country.
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lvbuckeye;918892; said:
all of you Monday Morning Quarterbacks are not recognizing the fact that if ASU would have run a play to center the ball, the scUM players would have been VERRRRRRRRRRY slow to get off the pile (the kind of cheap shit that LLLLLLLoyd is famous for), and ASU didn't have any timeouts left. there was NO guarantee that there would even BE a third down, given the fact that there were only 30 seconds left. ASU's coach said as much in the presser. he had a guaranteed opportunity for 3 on first down, and first down ONLY. it was ABSOLUTELY the correct call.

First, the refs can, and I've seen it happen, stop the clock if the defense deliberately stalls or delays the unpiling. Now, if the ASU staff was worried about that, they could have had the QB run back and right and then take a quick knee...takes all of 3-4 seconds and puts the ball right in the middle and maybe goes back to the 10 yard line. If Michigan calls their TO, then ASU accomplished their goal of taking some more time off, putting the ball in the best position for a kick, and forcing Michigan to burn a TO. If Michigan doesn't call a TO, then the clock continues to run and ASU can wait until about 3-4 seconds are left on the clock and then spike the ball...this then gives the ASU kicker a straight-on FG that is a little longer than an XP abd times expires while the kick is in flight.
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OSU fans blast Wolverines

Web sites get lit up by Buckeyes faithful very eager to take shots at Michigan's upset loss.

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Monday, September 03, 2007
Just a few minutes after Appalachian State completed one of the biggest upsets in college football history, Icbuckeye94 logged onto Bucknuts.com and posted a message on the site's premium forum under the heading, "Michigan Loses!!! Great Day!!!"
By Sunday afternoon, 1,295 people had looked at the thread, and 88 had added their thoughts. One early responder arrived with this observation: "What city/state is App State in? Seriously, I have no idea."

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FAN REACTION: 'Somebody should pay a visit to Bo's grave and apologize.'

September 3, 2007
Michigan and college football fans let their voices be heard on Michigan's historic 34-32 loss to I-AA Appalachian State.
We'll be publishing the best responses, so please send them in to [email protected]. INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME AND HOMETOWN.

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This loss proves that game has passed Carr by

Monday, September 03, 2007

There's a good chance this was always going to be the last year for Lloyd Carr.
That's why the University of Michigan football coach had his contract changed to make it easier to walk away with a big bonus next summer. That's why he has consistently refused to answer yes or no when asked if he planned on coaching past this season.
To say no would have turned this season into a circus.

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