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Alabama 32, Florida 13 (final)

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Don't see why anyone would be surprised that 'Bama plays a lot of 4-man front on D today. That is exactly the design the Vols used to frustrate Tebow. Force Tebow to beat you with his arm.
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I don't like UF's helmet. Granted, their normal helmet isn't the best in the country but I like the look Florida uni's had back in the early 90's with Spurrier. The high blue socks and the orange helmet. The all white is to probably make Tebow look like a saint like figure in his all white attire. The helmets just remind me something Nike sent over. Teams with any presitge may tweak their uniforms over time, but they should never change their helmet IMO.

Bama's unis looks nice though
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NextBuck;1613565; said:
I don't like UF's helmet. Granted, their normal helmet isn't the best in the country but I like the look Florida uni's had back in the early 90's with Spurrier. The high blue socks and the orange helmet. The all white is to probably make Tebow look like a saint like figure in his all white attire. The helmets just remind me something Nike sent over. Teams with any presitge may tweak their uniforms over time, but they should never change their helmet IMO.

Bama's unis looks nice though

Florida used to have a white helmet with a blue F, I think the normal ones have only been around since the late 70's early 80's.
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NextBuck;1613565; said:
I don't like UF's helmet. Granted, their normal helmet isn't the best in the country but I like the look Florida uni's had back in the early 90's with Spurrier. The high blue socks and the orange helmet. The all white is to probably make Tebow look like a saint like figure in his all white attire. The helmets just remind me something Nike sent over. Teams with any presitge may tweak their uniforms over time, but they should never change their helmet IMO.

The white helmet is based off the ones Florida wore in the 60s. The ones you like didn't exist until the 80s. :ohwell:
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Woody1968;1613571; said:
Florida used to have a white helmet with a blue F, I think the normal ones have only been around since the late 70's early 80's.

They wore orange in the 70s with an interlocking "UF" on them. The script "Gators" didn't come along until the 80s. I'm old enough to remember both...but I don't remember seeing the white ones. (I'm not THAT old.) :wink2:
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