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Alabama 32, Florida 13 (final)

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Jake;1613574; said:
The white helmet is based off the ones Florida wore in the 60s. The ones you like didn't exist until the 80s. :ohwell:

1979, to be exact. Most of the 70s, they had an awful looking UF logo on their helmet.

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Jake;1613580; said:
They wore orange in the 70s with an interlocking "UF" on them. The script "Gators" didn't come along until the 80s. I'm old enough to remember both...but I don't remember seeing the white ones. (I'm not THAT old.) :wink2:
Me either, but I have seen pictures of Spurrier in them, so many times that I could puke. I don't actually remember the 70s ones, probably because they just weren't very good, and I was a kid.
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Woody1968;1613582; said:
1979, to be exact. Most of the 70s, they had an awful looking UF logo on their helmet.


Missed it by a year. I remembered the interlocking UF, though. :tongue2:

Jake;1613580; said:
They wore orange in the 70s with an interlocking "UF" on them. The script "Gators" didn't come along until the 80s.
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