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Alabama 32, Florida 13 (final)

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Jake;1613608; said:
But it's not the right answer to the Aflac question - "consensus". That's why I mentioned it.
Okay, then it would be Notre Dame, 1946, 1947, 1949. :tongue2:

FWIW, AP and CP titles are generally considered to be "consensus", even if they are split.

Of course, not all "national championships" are created equal -- the New York Times national championship, for instance, is not quite on par with the Associated Press national championship. So below, those teams considered "consensus" national champions -- the teams fans would most recognize as national title holders -- are marked with an asterisk. But even the "consensus" title is somewhat misleading, as some seasons ended with multiple "consensus" national champions.

Only in college football.


Note the asterisks by Michigan and Nebraska in 1997.

The AFLAC question should have said "unanimous", I guess....
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Woody1968;1613582; said:
1979, to be exact. Most of the 70s, they had an awful looking UF logo on their helmet.


That is an uuuuugly helmet there. I honestly think the new ones are really cool. I think it would look better if the helmet was blue and the 'F' was white.
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Jake;1613608; said:
But it's not the right answer to the Aflac question - "consensus". That's why I mentioned it.

The Nebraska half was correct. ND was the other half, not Minny, whose titles in the 30s weren't all "concensus", which is somewhat hard to pin down.

But the Nebraska and ND titles were all from either the AP or the Coaches poll.
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Verne - "Spikes had a 'When Harry Met Sally' moment after meeting Tebow."

Just spending 10 seconds in his presence is enough to bring you to orgasm.
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BB73;1613614; said:
The Nebraska half was correct. ND was the other half, not Minny, whose titles in the 30s weren't all "concensus", which is somewhat hard to pin down.

But the Nebraska and ND titles were all from either the AP or the Coaches poll.
I guess that the Minny NC's weren't "consensus" because the 1934 and 1935 titles were prior to the AP poll, which first officially declared a national champion in 1936.

FWIW, all three of the Minny NC's in question are recognized by the NCAA, so take that, AFLAC.
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