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Alabama 32, Florida 13 (final)

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I still stand behind my point that prestigious teams shouldnt change their helmets. Florida changed them in the 70's? When they sucked.

Anyway, just my opinion...

Rammer Jammer. Yellow Hammer. Give 'em hell Alabama!

If Ingram keeps it up is he a lock for the Heisman or does Colt McCoy have to have an awful game?
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Merih;1613672; said:
Replace the "today." with just "."

wait a sec...

FIFY :biggrin:

You're probably right. I usually don't notice the announcers unless they're fucking things up and I hadn't really noticed Verne a lot in other games this season... I mean, sure he's fucked some stuff up... but... today seems especially bad to me.
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