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Alabama 32, Florida 13 (final)

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Not reading the thread, but I want to say that Bama is doing what it has to and we are not. If we want to win we can't drop balls at the goal line or on a swing pass with nobody in front of you. We can't misjudge the ball and try for an interception in man coverage that lets your guy go an additional thirty yards. We have to get pressure on the QB without bringing the corners.

That said, Bama is doing everything it needs to so far. They are playing like they want it more than we do. I like the aggressive passing game, and I like move to a four man d-line. Props to Nick. I hope that we can make it interesting in the second half. The only ray of hope I see is that all of the breaks seem to have gone the Tide's way so far. The little things, like always being able to stay in bounds when it is close, lofting a pass just inches over the outstretched hands of a blitzer, having the QB blindsided and the ball stay in his hands. And while all of those things have come true mostly because of Bama's execution and great game plan, at some point we just need a break. If Florida three and outs to start the half, and Bama drives for any type of score, I'm switching from beer to bourbon.

I'll read the thread tomorrow. :biggrin:
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Gatorubet;1613706; said:
Not reading the thread, but I want to say that Bama is doing what it has to and we are not. If we want to win we can't drop balls at the goal line or on a swing pass with nobody in front of you. We can't misjudge the ball and try for an interception in man coverage that lets your guy go an additional thirty yards. We have to get pressure on the QB without bringing the corners.

That said, Bama is doing everything it needs to so far.

I'll read the thread tomorrow. :biggrin:
You're a good sport Gator,

Roll Tide!
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Let's see how good a sport he is after the gators lose.

Now is the time to see if the Tide can run some clock and the ball down to a TD .
That would really put he pressure on the gators.
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I have no problem with people who pray and stuff, but when they zoomed in on Tebow praying before the 2nd half began I just shook my head. I don't think God has money on Tebow winning this game. Of course, Tebow and the national media thinks he is God's son soo maybe he was just asking dad for some help. If he was praying to stay healthy then my bad, but I bet Tebow was like "God you have always been there for me, so help me overcome this hurdle and win this game."

Also, earlier when he got his ass knocked down out of bounds, why the hell were Florida fans cheering and he was jumping up and down? He just got his ass knocked down out of bounds and he is jumping up and down and waving his arms like he scored a TD.

This circle jerk is getting old......
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