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Alabama 32, Florida 13 (final)

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Verne is such a dumbass. You can't return a ball after it hits the goal post.

That might come back to bite the Tide later, though.
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Go Bama!!

(Never thought I'd say that)

It will be sad to see Tebow lose this game, but Bama has been the better team all year. Also Bama reminds me of a Buckeye team with a great defense, great running game, great special teams, and hard nose football. I really like what Saban has done there, I always thought he was overrated as a coach before he came to Bama.

Bama vs Texas will be fun to watch if it happens. While I like Tebow as a player, I don't want him to win another Heisman (Go Archie!) and the hype before the MNC game will drive me insane (Corso: "Tebow is a great player, but even a more extraordinary man.")

Julio Jones needs to start catching the ball and stop wasting his damn talent!

Also, they need to retire Vern. I mean, Jesus Christ.
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