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Alabama 32, Florida 13 (final)

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jwinslow;1613491; said:
Gary, that's called a front row view to an unforced drop. But keep drooling, since good plays from Haden appear so infrequently :so:
FSU didn't wear theirs vs UF, did they? My memory is fuzzy, but I think they wore them in an earlier game.

FSU wore theirs against Maryland.
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jwinslow;1613491; said:
Gary, that's called a front row view to an unforced drop. But keep drooling, since good plays from Haden appear so infrequently :so:
FSU didn't wear theirs vs UF, did they? My memory is fuzzy, but I think they wore them in an earlier game.

Don't know. Come to think of it, it doesn't look like Bama even signed up to the Pro Combat thing in the first place. They're not featured on the website, at least.
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Florida isn't wearing their "pro combat" uniforms. They're just wearing the helmets from that uni with their regular white uniforms.
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