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Alabama 32, Florida 13 (final)

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Buckeye513;1612721; said:
From EDSBS -

* Drink every time Tebow?s called ?a leader,? then salute.
* Drink every time Tebow?s called a ?special athlete,? then yell ?Tiiiimmmmmmmmay!?* Finish your drink if the announcers suggest Tebow should win the Heisman again this year.
* Drink every time Tebow points to the sky. Then realize the only reason the sky hasn?t fallen is the strength of his pointing.
* Drink every time Tebow references God. Or himself.
* Drink every time Tebow?s on camera for no reason when the Florida defense is on the field.
* Drink every time Tebow is seen screaming with his helmet off.
* Drink every time they show a ?I Heart Tebow? or ?Superman? sign in the stands.
* Drink every time you see a Florida fan in jorts. (Small sips on this one. Otherwise it could kill you).
* Shot every time they mention his experience as missionary.
* If they mention him performing circumcisions in the Philippines while he was a missionary ? Chug your beer, do a shot of Patron.
* Drink every time Meyer touches Tebow. Finish the beer if he puts his arm around Tebow. If he nuzzles with Tebow?s facemask, perform the strikeout from Beerfest.
* Drink every time they show Tebow?s face black. If you can read the bible verse, take a double shot. Take a triple shot if Verne actually quotes the bible verse
* Drink if they reference ?The Promise?. Take a double if they play the whole thing. Take a triple if they show the plaque.

2:00 - :)

2:45 - :beer:

4:00 - :drunks:

6:30 - :dead:

Man, if I try and follow those rules, I'll need a liver transplant next week.
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Oh crap I thought this game was going to be on at 8 tonight...surprised by the 3:30 start.

Alabama and VaTech started it off here week 1 in Atlanta...now Florida and Bama to finish.

Roll Tide, 27 - 21
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Gary, that's called a front row view to an unforced drop. But keep drooling, since good plays from Haden appear so infrequently :so:
JackBauer;1613490; said:
Wouldn't they have Alabama in theirs too though?
FSU didn't wear theirs vs UF, did they? My memory is fuzzy, but I think they wore them in an earlier game.
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