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Adam "Pacman" Jones (Cincinnati Bengals)

king rhabuf;759479; said:
Can I get a ruling if my "kicks" are "fresh" enough? I wanna know if I'll be able to get into next years Birthday Ballout.
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stxbuck;760523; said:
Well, if you are dumb enough to think it is a wonderful idea to pour $80,000 out of a garbage bag on stage in a sleazy strip club-please correct me if "Harlem Nights" is one of Vegas' classier establsihment......and you are dumb enough to allow the Pac Man and his posse to pull this stunt in your establishment...there is enough blame to be shared by all the parties...this whole story is ghetto as it gets....


But there's a big difference between raining money on a strip dance floor that ignites a riot and banging a stripper's head to the floor, then threatening to kill a security guard that gets shot at later.

The latter scenario is being disputed. And I'm certainly not going to take a strip club owner's word as gospel on the issue just yet. If there's a video, and reputable reports come out about what's on the video, then I'll be ready to call Pac Man Jones the worst guy in the world.

By the way, the NFL is just full of thugs...
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'Pacman' faces obstruction charges

Associated Press

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Tennessee cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones is scheduled to appear in court in Georgia later this month on obstruction charges from an incident with police last year, The Tennessean reported Wednesday night.
Jones, who has been staying with family and friends near his hometown of Atlanta, was recently accused of being involved in a fight at a Las Vegas strip club that ended in the shootings of two bouncers and a customer. Police have not named any suspects in the case and no one has been charged.
Now Jones is scheduled to appear in Superior Court in Fayetteville, Ga., on subpoenas for felony and misdemeanor obstruction of justice charges for an incident outside a home in February 2006, The Tennessean reported on its Web site Wednesday night. Jones owns a home in Fayetteville.
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