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Adam "Pacman" Jones (Cincinnati Bengals)


'Pacman' Jones' Felony Charge Postponed

AP Sports Writer

NASHVILLE, Tenn. ? A Georgia judge agreed to delay a court appearance for Tennessee Titans cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones to give his attorneys time to determine how the NFL might react to a potential plea agreement.
Jones was charged in February 2006 with felony obstruction of police. Fayette County prosecutor Scott Ballard said he has no intentions of dismissing the case that involved Jones biting an officer between his thumb and index finger.

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pacman gets called to the principals office


PHOENIX (AP) -- Adam "Pacman" Jones will meet with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on April 3 to discuss the Tennessee Titans cornerback's run-ins with the law. A person within the league familiar with Jones' situation told The Associated Press on Tuesday that a hearing will occur next Tuesday. That person requested anonymity because the hearing has not been announced.
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Jim Rome is reporting that Pac Man Jones has been suspended for the entire NFL season... WOW.

And here's a link http://www.nfl.com/news/story/10119161

(April 10, 2007) -- NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has informed Adam Jones of the Tennessee Titans and Chris Henry of the Cincinnati Bengals that they have been suspended without pay for violating the NFL's personal conduct policy and engaging in conduct detrimental to the league on numerous occasions, the NFL announced today.

Jones was suspended for the 2007 season, while Henry was suspended for the first eight games of the 2007 regular season. Each player must earn the right to be reinstated.

"We must protect the integrity of the NFL," Commissioner Goodell said. "The highest standards of conduct must be met by everyone in the NFL because it is a privilege to represent the NFL, not a right. These players, and all members of our league, have to make the right choices and decisions in their conduct on a consistent basis."
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Thump;808525; said:
Bravo commissioner Goodell!!


Agreed, it's nice to see him coming in and not just dealing with the same bullshit and actually doing something to deter this type of behavior. It's shown time and time again that taking money from these athletes doesn't effect them at all, however, taking a full years pay away and forcing them to apply for reinstatement at the end is hopefully enough to get these guys to act like adults.
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Thump;808532; said:
Probably what they're hoping for so they can give him a "permaban."

Now, I am one to forgive a lot of things, but Thump, I sure as hell hope so. This guy is trash, and a thug, it's sad that garbage like this gets talent to make millions, because otherwise you know he would fuck up and be in prison for the rest of his life.
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