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Adam "Pacman" Jones (Cincinnati Bengals)

StadiumDorm;760493; said:
There are conflicting reports and the co-club owner isn't exactly an unbiased witness.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit given Adam Jones' reputation. But let's take the whole wait-and-see approach.

Well, if you are dumb enough to think it is a wonderful idea to pour $80,000 out of a garbage bag on stage in a sleazy strip club-please correct me if "Harlem Nights" is one of Vegas' classier establsihment......and you are dumb enough to allow the Pac Man and his posse to pull this stunt in your establishment...there is enough blame to be shared by all the parties...this whole story is ghetto as it gets....
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The Titans should at least tell him that " one more incident of any kind and you are gone". It is very easy for us to sit here and type this stuff on a board. We don't have to deal with it on a money basis like the owners do but I would dump him in a hurry if he gets in more trouble.
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stxbuck;760523; said:
Well, if you are dumb enough to think it is a wonderful idea to pour $80,000 out of a garbage bag on stage in a sleazy strip club-please correct me if "Harlem Nights" is one of Vegas' classier establsihment......and you are dumb enough to allow the Pac Man and his posse to pull this stunt in your establishment...there is enough blame to be shared by all the parties...this whole story is ghetto as it gets....

True, one has to wonder who the bigger idiot in this story is. Jones is just a thug, and it's not like that's a recent reputation he's gained, it followed him in college.

All the factors put together a huge recipe for disaster, it just shocks me that in a vegas strip club, where TONS of money go through, that security and the rest of the clubs staff let this happen...
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osugrad21;759748; said:
I was told different from WVU staff members...WVU was extremly tough on him and kept a tight leash. PacMan was upset when he left Morgantown because he knew he was losing the structured environment. He called the staff multiple times each day in the beginning...then less...then not at all. Not surprising to anyone, he lost his path.

A good friend of mine helped coach the DB's at WVU when Pacman was there. He told me that Pacman was an ass when he was there and they kept him on a very tight leash.

He also said that he and the other coaches couldn't believe he went that high in the draft.
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good point from the Salon.com sports guy:

I wonder how many fans of the Tennessee Titans wouldn't be able to buy a house with an asking price of $81,000. Plenty own houses worth much more, of course, maybe a big majority of those who buy season tickets. Still, using $81,000 for a visual effect. That's on a different planet.

Every once in a while you get a little reminder that these guys live on that different planet. They just transport into ours for a few hours at a time because ours is where the arenas are.
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DaytonBuck;761326; said:
When you throw money on the stage at a strip club isn't almost man law to assume that you forfeit possession of said money. I believe throwing the money like that is known as making it rain.

It is, at least I just heard it described that way too.

Sometimes the easiest way to find an idiot is to give them a ton of money :biggrin:
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I was told different from WVU staff members...WVU was extremly tough on him and kept a tight leash. PacMan was upset when he left Morgantown because he knew he was losing the structured environment. He called the staff multiple times each day in the beginning...then less...then not at all. Not surprising to anyone, he lost his path.
i know you have connections with that staff. but theyve had some real troublemakers down there... year in year out. its a small town, similar situation to a penn state and if you cant keep kids out of trouble in those places big cities are trouble. wvu has really had some what i call "character" issues with their people...
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This dude is an ass. Things brings me to a discussion one of my teachers brought up in my ethics class. Yes professional sports require a lot of hard work, but do they deserve to be paid millions upon millions of dollars? Is playing football more important than being a teacher, doctor, or lawyer? Those people get paid decent, but not like pro athletes. How is it that players get paid more than the people who teach them or coach them?
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This dude is an ass. Things brings me to a discussion one of my teachers brought up in my ethics class. Yes professional sports require a lot of hard work, but do they deserve to be paid millions upon millions of dollars? Is playing football more important than being a teacher, doctor, or lawyer? Those people get paid decent, but not like pro athletes. How is it that players get paid more than the people who teach them or coach them?
to bad you never took an entry level econ class, they would have explained it...
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buchtelgrad04;761370; said:
This dude is an ass. Things brings me to a discussion one of my teachers brought up in my ethics class. Yes professional sports require a lot of hard work, but do they deserve to be paid millions upon millions of dollars? Is playing football more important than being a teacher, doctor, or lawyer? Those people get paid decent, but not like pro athletes. How is it that players get paid more than the people who teach them or coach them?

"Deserve" and "Fair" are slippery slopes to socialism.

The Market as it is in the NFL shows that people of his talent can get millions of dollars.

that's just the way it is.....
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