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97.1 The Fan (official thread)

NFBuck;2235409; said:
What the fuck is a "torg"?


A crossover RPG put out by WEG in the early 90's.
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They suck and so does Desmond Howard

Torf's tweet is to appeal to the worst part of the Ohio State base. He is a mercenary that acts as if he is an Ohio State fan but he nor Ricordildo know shyt about college football. They have high ratings due to being in a sports town with only one sports radio station....their pee pee and poopy jokes could be replaced by anyone.
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End of Line;2235467; said:
Awful Announcing ‏@awfulannouncing
97.1 in Columbus has confirmed our report - Scott Torgerson is on suspension for his Desmond Howard tweet.

I obviously am not living in Columbus so I only hear these guys if one of you post something here. Maybe they do suck and deserve to be shown the door, but the fact that a DJ is being suspended for that tweet is ridiculous. The fact that it's a Columbus DJ being suspended for a tweet about a scUMmer is FULL BLOWN RETARDED!
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VBSJ;2235407; said:
The thing you want to think about is, who is management going to replace them with?
You? Me? Most of the posters on the board would at least provide equal quality programming.

I listen to them, because fuck if I know why. I don't take them seriously though.
They have the occasional funny but most of the time I end up wondering how they got a radio show.
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HorseshoeFetish;2235480; said:
I obviously am not living in Columbus so I only hear these guys if one of you post something here. Maybe they do suck and deserve to be shown the door, but the fact that a DJ is being suspended for that tweet is ridiculous. The fact that it's a Columbus DJ being suspended for a tweet about a scUMmer is FULL BLOWN RETARDED!

Absolutely not. And there's no reason to say anything on this subject is retarded.

I would have been okay with Torgs comments IF/and only if it was done in a tasteful way. Not saying I wish he'd be fired or die. That's a bit harsh. I'm glad he's "suspended", and I'm surprised he didn't lose his job over a ridiculous and classless comment
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