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97.1 The Fan (official thread)

What I don't understand is Howard's wife's tweet about how their daughter didn't understand it's a joke.

If the daughter is old enough to use Twitter and can't understand that Torg's tweet is in jest (tasteless or not), you should probably be looking into fixing something other than Torg's e-diarrhea.

If she isn't old enough to use Twitter, why in the heck are you telling her someone wants her father to die.

Of course, the most likely answer is that Howard's wife is full of crap and looking to dramatize this as much as possible.
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sg86;2235569; said:
What I don't understand is Howard's wife's tweet about how their daughter didn't understand it's a joke.

If the daughter is old enough to use Twitter and can't understand that Torg's tweet is in jest (tasteless or not), you should probably be looking into fixing something other than Torg's e-diarrhea.

If she isn't old enough to use Twitter, why in the heck are you telling her someone wants her father to die.

Of course, the most likely answer is that Howard's wife is full of crap and looking to dramatize this as much as possible.

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sg86;2235569; said:
What I don't understand is Howard's wife's tweet about how their daughter didn't understand it's a joke.

If the daughter is old enough to use Twitter and can't understand that Torg's tweet is in jest (tasteless or not), you should probably be looking into fixing something other than Torg's e-diarrhea.

If she isn't old enough to use Twitter, why in the heck are you telling her someone wants her father to die.

Of course, the most likely answer is that Howard's wife is full of crap and looking to dramatize this as much as possible.

So now Howards daughter being a dumbass is this guys fault too?

1/3 of this country wants to nail themselves to the cross over anything..

1/3 wants to be morally outraged over what was done to the victim 1/3.

My 1/3 thinks the rest are a bunch of whiny pussies and wonders how we could get a big enough grease fire started to even the odds a little.
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I just don't think a tweet about a child's father is something that needs to be discussed with said child. Especially considering it's a DJ from Columbus, OH (who happens to be a fucking moron).

He was suspended, and should probably be fired.

The rest is water under the bridge, IMO.

I personally don't give two fucks what these two idiots have to say about anything or anyone.
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Jaxbuck;2235579; said:
So now Howards daughter being a dumbass is this guys fault too?

1/3 of this country wants to nail themselves to the cross over anything..

1/3 wants to be morally outraged over what was done to the victim 1/3.

My 1/3 thinks the rest are a bunch of whiny pussies and wonders how we could get a big enough grease fire started to even the odds a little.

okay I just looked it up and his daughter goes to Michigan so this just gets funnier and funnier

from July 2011 said:
But for me, what happened after all that was better: Desmond Howard graduated on time, he married an attorney, and now their daughter is enrolled at Michigan, too. She probably won’t win the Heisman – her odds are even longer than his – but she doesn’t have to. The Howards already have one more Heisman Trophy in their home than anybody ever thought they would.
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Jaxbuck;2235579; said:
So now Howards daughter being a dumbass is this guys fault too?

1/3 of this country wants to nail themselves to the cross over anything..

1/3 wants to be morally outraged over what was done to the victim 1/3.

My 1/3 thinks the rest are a bunch of whiny pussies and wonders how we could get a big enough grease fire started to even the odds a little.*

Nope that's genetic.

*Completely agree, except they'll whine about the lack of grease fire prevention help.
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Ricordati's response:

"Before we hit the rundown. Real quick. We all have things that drive us crazy. Something that drives me crazy. And you can draw any conclusion that you want to this. It's fake Buckeyes. You know? Fake. They like to use their Buckeye affiliation to their advantage when it benefits them. But most of the time, they don't have the community nor the school's best interest at heart. That's all I'll say."
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tsteele316;2235592; said:
Ricordati's response:

"Before we hit the rundown. Real quick. We all have things that drive us crazy. Something that drives me crazy. And you can draw any conclusion that you want to this. It's fake Buckeyes. You know? Fake. They like to use their Buckeye affiliation to their advantage when it benefits them. But most of the time, they don't have the community nor the school's best interest at heart. That's all I'll say."

So a guy who plays a fake Buckeye fan on the air to give himself an angle to criticize everything is going to whine about fake Buckeyes? :tibor:
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tsteele316;2235592; said:
Ricordati's response:

"Before we hit the rundown. Real quick. We all have things that drive us crazy. Something that drives me crazy. And you can draw any conclusion that you want to this. It's fake Buckeyes. You know? Fake. They like to use their Buckeye affiliation to their advantage when it benefits them. But most of the time, they don't have the community nor the school's best interest at heart. That's all I'll say."

Wow. And boom goes the dynamite.

That's a hell of a walk-off shot.
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Mac;2235565; said:
Absolutely not. And there's no reason to say anything on this subject is retarded.

I would have been okay with Torgs comments IF/and only if it was done in a tasteful way. Not saying I wish he'd be fired or die. That's a bit harsh. I'm glad he's "suspended", and I'm surprised he didn't lose his job over a ridiculous and classless comment

Okay I'll give you the "R" word despite the fact I had RD Jr. in mind when I typed it.

As for the rest. :shake: Harsh would be Desmond falling onto a red hot poker that went from his asshole to the roof of his mouth and not being able to work on television or radio anymore. It was a Tweet..A tweet that I'm sure was more about humor than malice. Now, had he offered say $50 bucks for anyone to "off" Desmond, then yeah I'd have a problem with it. Desmond probably isn't even in my TOP 5 espin employees I wouldn't mind seeing get fired, but I wouldn't miss him, because of the espin embargo.

I'm more appalled by the fact that you think this is something someone should, or could be fired over. Let alone a Columbus DJ poking at a scUMmer.
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MaxBuck;2235492; said:
Let me recommend this fine product.


Sadly you swap those dopes for Finebaum or some lousy ESPN product during drive time.
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HorseshoeFetish;2235597; said:
Okay I'll give you the "R" word despite the fact I had RD Jr. in mind when I typed it.

As for the rest. :shake: Harsh would be Desmond falling onto a red hot poker that went from his asshole to the roof of his mouth and not being able to work on television or radio anymore. It was a Tweet..A tweet that I'm sure was more about humor than malice. Now, had he offered say $50 bucks for anyone to "off" Desmond, then yeah I'd have a problem with it. Desmond probably isn't even in my TOP 5 espin employees I wouldn't mind seeing get fired, but I wouldn't miss him, because of the espin embargo.

I'm more appalled by the fact that you think this is something someone should, or could be fired over. Let alone a Columbus DJ poking at a scUMmer.

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