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97.1 The Fan (official thread)

Sports radio = teen drama. At least for these two. They are the most negative pair I can think of. I have to give them credit. I have rediscovered by iPod driven music, some of which I havent listened to in years.

Also books on CD while I drive. I do not listen to (I don't even know if it is on disk) the Brief History of Time while driving. My brain hurts when I ponder and try to understand that. It is by the way one of my favorite and by far one of the most challenging books I have ever read. Also a book about Null physics.

Does this mean I am a mental nerd?
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Torgerson is proof positive that "special needs" people don't need to look only to sheltered workshops to find employment.

Ricordati is a dolt, but unlike "The Torg" he can probably be trusted with his own cutlery.
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Took a screen shot from the studio cam of these two last week as they came back from commercial. They look vaguely familiar.

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starBUCKS;2235299; said:
Herbie going off on his show how disgusted he was by this tweet by that loser Torg. Hopefully this can get these nimwits replaced.

The thing you want to think about is, who is management going to replace them with?

Lately, it seems like the management at WBNS Radio just takes rejects/people from local TV in Central Ohio and puts them on the radio. Example of late: Rothman, Stanley (prior), and Bishop.

This is a far cry from anything on that station last decade.

The talent went from Herbstreit and Spielman to college radio and TV rejects. Even Ian Fitzsimmons was better (prior to leaving). At least he provided some insight and didn't rely on schtick (angry guy on radio, having callers say a phrase, asking callers "would you rather").

So I wouldn't trust management, because that station seems to have trended down the past 5-7 years.

And my guess for the next person on the radio daily on WBNS will be Krenzel or Carpenter.
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