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97.1 The Fan (official thread)

buckeyesin07;2026085; said:
You're whining about a product that's being offered to you for free (and worse yet, boasting about a lame email fight you started with a radio host). Get over it. If you don't like the show, then turn the dial or save up some money so that you can subscribe to satellite radio.

Of course you conclude that I must be buddies with CM and the Torg because I call out your childish behavior. Just fyi--I don't ever listen to the show. Nice try, though. :lol:

Ill whine about whatever the fuck I want....there is a lot of whining on internet forums, would you like me to point out the various threads where people vent.....I came to this conclusion because you are so upset about the topic....i'm sure you and the turd wear hockey jerseys and jean shorts together
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y0yoyoin;2026084; said:
i thought spielman and him together were good...i mainly listened because of spielman...but hooley alone i couldnt stand...like bassbuckeye did, i actually emailed hooley because he said something so idiotic i had to let him know how stupid he was for saying it...funny thing is that i actually met hooley and sat next to him during last years ohio state vs Northwestern bball game for the big 10 tourny at a restaurant/bar my girlfriend works at...hooley and i have a mutual friend, and that said mutual friend knows i hate hooley...he said he was coming in with spielman so i was all pumped up to meet him and was very dissapointed when he brought hooley in instead...he texted me 5 times while i was at the bar to come sit with them and meet hooley...so finally after 6 beers i went over there, fully prepared to do battle with hooley...but this was right after hooley's JT rant that got him fired so he basically spent the whole time not watching the game but instead talking about gene smith, JT and ohio state football...i basically didnt say anything the entire time and listened to him bitch about everything while watching the game and he finally shutup when he realized we were down 1 with 2 minutes to go...at that point i had to leave, said nice to meet you and he said the same...my opinion really didnt change of him after that which my friend was hoping...he basically was having his radio show while i was watching the game...i went back to the bar and watched ohio st win in OT and i told my friend to never do that to me again and he hasnt since

fuck hooley. he got what he deserved.
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Hooley's glee at OSU football misfortune has always been palpable. The scandal just gave him new places to make a fool out of himself.
like bassbuckeye did, i actually emailed hooley because he said something so idiotic i had to let him know how stupid he was for saying it.
Which pays his salary.
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These radio trolls are better off just being ignored. They're probably wetting their pants that they have a thread about them right now.
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