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LitlBuck;1453974; said:
I can't make up my mind if Tony is good, bad, or indifferent.
By the end of the series, Jack will have to give it on with Ren?e:)

I'm getting a little confused. How did they steal one of the cylinders of WMD in the first place? Did they have big cylinders attached to the thing they helicoptered out of there and "to-go" cylinders that you can put in a backpack and run away with?

How is Jack still functioning? The injections he has only stops the shaking - not the seizures.

Is Kim going to go back and donate her stem cells to save Jack?

Why doesn't the red pill kill Angelina Jolie's dad?

How many hours are left in this series?
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reagdog;1454039; said:
I'm getting a little confused. How did they steal one of the cylinders of WMD in the first place? Did they have big cylinders attached to the thing they helicoptered out of there and "to-go" cylinders that you can put in a backpack and run away with?

How is Jack still functioning? The injections he has only stops the shaking - not the seizures.

Is Kim going to go back and donate her stem cells to save Jack?

Why doesn't the red pill kill Angelina Jolie's dad?

How many hours are left in this series?

I think last night went to 3:00 a.m. and that there are 5 hours left.
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reagdog;1454039; said:
How is Jack still functioning? The injections he has only stops the shaking - not the seizures.

Is Kim going to go back and donate her stem cells to save Jack?

Why doesn't the red pill kill Angelina Jolie's dad?

How many hours are left in this series?

-Jack really wasn't functioning at all at the end of the show. Either he will get adreline, or he will squint the seizures away.

-Hopefully she does and its one of those rush jobs and they have to do the hazmat scrub job thing on her first.

-The guy who's car George Costanza purchased is alive because he wasn't taken to the CTU infirmary.

-see bb73
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Yeah, where in the hell have all the adrenaline shots been all season? I thought Jack carried them in his man purse, but I guess he hasn't thought Bill or Larry deserved to be brought back. He's waiting to use it on the red-headed FBI chick.

Kim Bauer definitely needs a HAZMAT scrub down. I better apply for that job before next Monday. I will replace the normal HAZMAT liquid with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Watch for me next week.

Buckeye Buh Nim;1454233; said:
-Jack really wasn't functioning at all at the end of the show. Either he will get adreline, or he will squint the seizures away.

-Hopefully she does and its one of those rush jobs and they have to do the hazmat scrub job thing on her first.

-The guy who's car George Costanza purchased is alive because he wasn't taken to the CTU infirmary.

-see bb73
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I still think that Tony is going to turn out OK - he's in so deep he won't even let Jack know, in order to infiltrate the final level of the conspiracy.

Jack was about to tear Garafalo a new one tonight!
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BB73;1458070; said:
I still think that Tony is going to turn out OK - he's in so deep he won't even let Jack know, in order to infiltrate the final level of the conspiracy.

Jack was about to tear Garafalo a new one tonight!

For a second there, I thought Jack's kill count was going to be 1.

Paper had a bit in it last week about next season.

Will take place in NYC. Few other kind of spoiler bits about who will be back. (nothing serious)
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BB73;1458070; said:
I still think that Tony is going to turn out OK - he's in so deep he won't even let Jack know, in order to infiltrate the final level of the conspiracy.

Jack was about to tear Garafalo a new one tonight!

If Tony turns out OK, he's still going to be in deep shit for killing about 15 FBI agents. He's toast either way.

Garafalo should have been bitch slapped by jack.
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reagdog;1458229; said:
If Tony turns out OK, he's still going to be in deep [censored] for killing about 15 FBI agents. He's toast either way.

Garafalo should have been bitch slapped by jack.
I still think Tony might be one of the good guys. I thought about the fact that he killed a couple hundred FBI agents but if he does turn out to be good guy they will have to weigh that against them saving the country:)

Need to get Kim back to the war room to give Jack some DNA. President Palmer:biggrin2: Doesn't Jack know that he is now a Ranger on The Unit.
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LitlBuck;1458236; said:
I still think Tony might be one of the good guys. I thought about the fact that he killed a couple hundred FBI agents but if he does turn out to be good guy they will have to weigh that against them saving the country:)

Need to get Kim back to the war room to give Jack some DNA. President Palmer:biggrin2: Doesn't Jack know that he is now a Ranger on The Unit.

I thought David Palmer was doing Allstate commercials? JK.

Tony is screwed! If they were going to bend Jack over for torturing terrorists after he has saved the world about 6 times, they aren't going to have remorse for Tony after killing everyone in the FBI to save the world once. If Tony was a good guy, he would be shooting the FBI agents in the leg or something to make sure he didn't kill so many.

Kim Bauer better get back to the FBI headquarters quick because Jack is losing it. She needs a strip search and a pat down from the red headed FBI chick to make sure she doesn't pull any shenanigans.
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LitlBuck;1461788; said:
I have this strange feeling that my favorite mail character Agent Pierce blew up the car.

Agent Pierce is too pure, I still think its the contact the president's daughter made, he just carried it out without consent (That's what she said)
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LitlBuck;1461788; said:
my favorite mail character.
I thought this was your favorite mail character ..

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