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WTF Tony!!!!!! You POS!!!! Jack is going to put your balls in a vice! If Jack can't take you out, I'll send my Brute to whoop your ass! He's got a big ass hammer and a shield.

I thought Kim Bauer and the red headed FBI chick were going to make out? Maybe that's next episode? It's gotta happen to make this the best 24 season ever.
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LitlBuck;1449562; said:
From the previews, it looks like Ren?e might need a good shot of something. If she makes it through the next episode, I wonder if Jack and her might have a fling or something.

He's definitely going to tap Renee at the end of this. Renee is going to get a tag team from Jack and Kim.

Yeah, what's up with Jack being back to 100% after getting exposed to a frickin WMD!!!!! Kim must have some bomb ass stem cells!!
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BuckeyeMac;1447618; said:
Season 4 wasn't the greatest....In fact that's my least favorite season of 24. The one that was all about the "football" and they shoot down AF1.

Agreed. Season 4 was the worst. The only season I haven't liked at all.

This season is exciting. I like the dark nature Tony's character has taken on (even when we thought he was good). An upgrade in entertainment from last season. I put it somewhere behind Seasons 1 & 5, and above 4 & 6.
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