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MuckFich06;1436641; said:
Do you think adrenaline will cure Jack's exposure to the bioagent?

Nahh, it's Jack Bauer. Even though he's been exposed, his body is somehow immune to every bio-agent in the world.

Thus proves that Jack Bauer > Chuck Norris. Nuff said.
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MuckFich06;1436641; said:
Do you think adrenaline will cure Jack's exposure to the bioagent?

Yes, adrenaline will cure anything (gun shot wounds, fall from 9 story building, STD's, and most definitely WMD's).

Too bad Jack didn't have a shot of adrenaline with him when Bill got blown up. Bill would still be with us!

On another note, is Jack getting a fucking conscious these days? Not letting that dock guard get smoked and then screwed up the entire operation?

I hate the Presidents daughter. She needs some Alabama black snake in her poop shoot.

Ethan Kanin is still the mole in my opinion. They are trying to make you feel sorry for him and he's only resigning so he can get the hell out of dodge before this entire operation blows up.
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Well, Jack will survive this season because it was just announced the "24" will be back for an eighth season. I don't know how he can live that long.

I still don't think that the mole is the ex Presidential adviser. I just don't think he had access to every place that Jack was going. I still lean towards the FBI director because he seems to being too nice.

I have no idea what the President's daughter is doing except maybe making some money on the side. She hasn't been on the show along enough to be the mole.

I can't believe the show went on last night without any Google tracking. I guess the NT division all went out to dinner together.

I wonder if Tony will make it through the season. He needs to catch his breath:)
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LitlBuck;1437093; said:
Well, Jack will survive this season because it was just announced the "24" will be back for an eighth season. I don't know how he can live that long.

I still don't think that the mole is the ex Presidential adviser. I just don't think he had access to every place that Jack was going. I still lean towards the FBI director because he seems to being too nice.

I have no idea what the President's daughter is doing except maybe making some money on the side. She hasn't been on the show along enough to be the mole.

I can't believe the show went on last night without any Google tracking. I guess the NT division all went out to dinner together.

I wonder if Tony will make it through the season. He needs to catch his breath:)

its a vast conspiracy. there is more than one person responsible.
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LitlBuck;1437093; said:
Well, Jack will survive this season because it was just announced the "24" will be back for an eighth season. I don't know how he can live that long.

I still don't think that the mole is the ex Presidential adviser. I just don't think he had access to every place that Jack was going. I still lean towards the FBI director because he seems to being too nice.

I have no idea what the President's daughter is doing except maybe making some money on the side. She hasn't been on the show along enough to be the mole.

I can't believe the show went on last night without any Google tracking. I guess the NT division all went out to dinner together.

I wonder if Tony will make it through the season. He needs to catch his breath:)

I think Larry Moss is too dumb to be the mole. It's gotta be Ethan Kanin. The show is trying to make you feel sorry for him and then the truth is going to come out and you will hate his guts. They want the dramatic twist of emotions.

The daughter is just a weasely slut and they want you to think she's the mole because she's such a waste of skin and you already hate her, but she won't end up being the mole - even though that's what it's looking like right now.
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So we send 3 helicopters to overtake a military compound in DC's back yard?

I know it applies to Michigan recruiting, but it's the American way.

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I'm beginning to think it might be the Presidents daughter. She looks petrified. I'm thinking she was helping these scumbags out and didn't know what they were planning on doing. Now she finds out what they are doing and is freaking out because this isn't what she signed up for. She's going to get it in the 3 hole next weekend by the reporter she needs to keep quiet. Should be good.
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WTF President Ho Bag? Let the F-18's bomb the shit out of that place! The President's daughter is a sleazy little bitch and I like it. How in the name of David Palmer is Jack Bauer not going to die? Is that hot red head going to find Bauer's hot daughter and get her to give up some stem cells? If so, hopefully they have a love scene together because that would be entertaining! Tony is going to have to fuck up 1500 mercenaries by himself and save the day! Jack's going to die and Tony will be the lead man in next seasons 24. Not really, but I'm hoping Elisha Cuthbert comes back to the show in her extra small wife beater and gives the hot red head one to wear too.
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reagdog;1445173; said:
WTF President Ho Bag? Let the F-18's bomb the shit out of that place! The President's daughter is a sleazy little bitch and I like it. How in the name of David Palmer is Jack Bauer not going to die? Is that hot red head going to find Bauer's hot daughter and get her to give up some stem cells? If so, hopefully they have a love scene together because that would be entertaining! Tony is going to have to fuck up 1500 mercenaries by himself and save the day! Jack's going to die and Tony will be the lead man in next seasons 24. Not really, but I'm hoping Elisha Cuthbert comes back to the show in her extra small wife beater and gives the hot red head one to wear too.

I think the President is the mole. No really. Ok I don't. I am in the Larry Moss camp of major moledom this season.

Here is what is going to save Jack Bauer.
Not adrenaline
Not Kim's stem cells
He is going to squint the pathogen out

Oh, Kim will show up this season with ankle biter in tow. Quick poll for you guys. I am putting the over under as following

1. Probability that Kim gets kidnapped- 95%
2. Probability that grandBauer gets kidnapped 99%
3. Probability that they both get kidnapped. 99.99999999999999999999999%
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