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I want to know who the mole is that is still lurking. I am beginning to think it is either the computer geek (who was so good she could not unencrypt a address) or maybe the President's daughter but she doesn't know enough.

Also, I was wondering if Jack had a license to drive that forklift. I think he broke some OSHAA regulations.
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I think it's the head FBI guy.....

He continues to try and thwart Jack at every turn and has even turned on what'sher face for helping him. At first, I figured he was just "stupid" and a "company guy" but for some reason, I'm now of the mind that he's a bad-guy.
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I thought that initially when this season first began but then changed my mind and started to think about him again last night but I thought it was because I don't particularly care for him to put it mildly. I would love to see Jack gave him a beat down:)
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Mole possibilities:

Presidents daughter (hate that bitch and I think she's the mole)

Larry Moss (don't think so - too stupid)

Hot FBI redhead (doubt it, too hot and she will be back next season)

Garafolo (doubt it)

Presidents right hand man???? Maybe the daughter is right all along and the Presidents right hand man isn't trustworthy and they are making it appear she's a crazy bitch, but she is smarter than I give her credit for and I will end up loving her conservative arse.
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I'm betting either Larry Moss, or the President's Advisor

Larry is playing everything off, and like was stated above, doesn't want Jack to be involved at all. And the president's advisor, I don't have any reason other than my guy, which I've had for most of this season.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1432239; said:
I've considered the right-hand-man too... Still not sure that he's a "good guy"

I've just figured it out. It's the President's right hand man (advisor). He authorized Jack to interrogate that guy at the hospital so those scum bags could set him up. BINGO!!!!!!!
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Ethan Kanin = MOLE

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The problem is that the president's adviser did not know that Jack was going to the Senator's house and Moss did. I don't know how the President's daughter would have known about that either. Only Moss and the NT glasses lady knew that.
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LitlBuck;1432264; said:
The problem is that the president's adviser did not know that Jack was going to the Senator's house and Moss did. I don't know how the President's daughter would have known about that either. Only Moss and the NT glasses lady knew that.

Remember the bad guys (2 old guys in suits that want to destroy America) were listening in on the FBI channels to find out that Bauer was still alive and probably found out where he was going (Red's house).

Ethan Kanin did his part in setting up Jack and those other guys screwed it up.
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reagdog;1432237; said:
Presidents right hand man???? Maybe the daughter is right all along and the Presidents right hand man isn't trustworthy and they are making it appear she's a crazy bitch, but she is smarter than I give her credit for and I will end up loving her conservative arse.

ding, ding, ding (chief of staff)

that's my winner, why do you think he was out of the white house when the terrorists invaded?
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