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OSUsushichic;1445350; said:
Worst season ever. :(

I agree. Most seasons are slightly believeable. This season isn't even slightly believable.

1.) Woman President - I mean come on!!! Never going to happen.

2.) U.S. isn't going to let Angelina Jolie's dad build a private compound 3 miles from White House. Maybe they would let Chuck Norris build a compound 6 miles away, but not 3.

3.) All of those African insurgents spoke very good English. Not believable!

4.) Since when was Red a Senator? He hasn't aged since that show filmed back in the 70's!! Good genetics or good doctors?
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OSUsushichic;1445350; said:
Worst season ever. :(
Tend to agree. They are really dragging this season out with all of the subplots that are really not that good. They really need to bring this season to a conclusion and get on to something else. We all know that there will be no airstrikes so just get on with what ever.
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OSUsushichic;1446041; said:
Which one was worse? This one is barely watchable, and I've been a faithful viewer since Season 1.

I remember a couple of years ago it was pretty awful, almost unwatchable.

I have given up on what made the first few season so great, and have just enjoyed this season for what it is and because of that I have enjoyed it.
But they could have done at least 2 seasons out of this one. One with the Sangala / General Juma (sp?) theme, and one with the evil contractor. But to jam this all into one season is a bit lame.
Personally i think a whole season based on a corrupt contractor like Starkwood could have been really good...
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