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LitlBuck;1461788; said:
I have this strange feeling that my favorite mail character Agent Pierce blew up the car.
Exactly what I thought as well... well.. not exactly... I don't know what a mail character is.... but, more or less the same thought I had. I figure he was acting on Olivia's response of "Kill [insert name which I've forgotten here]" to Aaron's question "anything else, Ma'am?" from last week's epi.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1461927; said:
Exactly what I thought as well... well.. not exactly... I don't know what a mail character is.... but, more or less the same thought I had. I figure he was acting on Olivia's response of "Kill [insert name which I've forgotten here]" to Aaron's question "anything else, Ma'am?" from last week's epi.
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LitlBuck;1462306; said:

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Looks like I was wrong about Agent Pierce unless he is going to erase what has been recorded. I just hope that Jack does not hurt Ren?e when breaking Tony loose to save Kim. Jack should have had two guys watching over her. Looks like a lot of ammunition will be used next week.
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I've been wrong about everything this year. I thought Shawshank guy was the mole and then I thought Aaron whacked Jolie's dad. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut from here on. 24 is too smart for me.

I find it quite convenient that they happened to plan so far in advance that they had someone watching Kim Bauer of all people just in case Jack was still alive and Tony happened to be taken into custody. These bad guys seem to have a plan for everything and people everywhere.
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reagdog;1465457; said:
I've been wrong about everything this year. I thought Shawshank guy was the mole and then I thought Aaron whacked Jolie's dad. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut from here on. 24 is too smart for me.

I find it quite convenient that they happened to plan so far in advance that they had someone watching Kim Bauer of all people just in case Jack was still alive and Tony happened to be taken into custody. These bad guys seem to have a plan for everything and people everywhere.

This is exactly why I employ extremely talented writers before I embark on any crime sprees. I can't tell you how many times I've been thwarted in my criminal enterprises by some offspring of some guy who has been inflicted with an incurable disease. Seriously, it happens more than you think... and a good team of writers will see to it that you leave no base uncovered.

Thinking of a crime spree? Don't make a move until you've talked to the writers guild and developed a truly fail safe plan.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1465468; said:
This is exactly why I employ extremely talented writers before I embark on any crime sprees. I can't tell you how many times I've been thwarted in my criminal enterprises by some offspring of some guy who has been inflicted with an incurable disease. Seriously, it happens more than you think... and a good team of writers will see to it that you leave no base uncovered.

Thinking of a crime spree? Don't make a move until you've talked to the writers guild and developed a truly fail safe plan.

Seriously. These writers could all be mass-murderers and get away with it. I wonder if I become a writer if I would be a better criminal?
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Is it me, or are we pretty much back to where the series began.

Kim is kidnapped by people who want Jack to do something wrong.

Seriously, add to it the same plot device (she tells him to keep his earpiece so she can monitor and communicate)

Who the hell does she think she is? The bastard daughter of Ira Gaines and Nina Myers?
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