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I thought it was a good season finale...left us hanging like always for next year. Looking forward to see what was going on with Renee, and also with Jack (who of course will recover from the stem cell experiment)
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I too also thought it was a good ending to this season and left some things out there that can be picked up next season. Nice to see Mamma President be a president. It will be interesting to see what happens with Olivia. No doubt that Jack recovers and there will be interesting to see how badly Ren? can put the hurt on Mr. Wilson. The artillery coming into the complex certainly caught me by surprise. At first, I saw what the hell was going on and then I realized that we find they brought in some firepower.
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TGfan06;1468666; said:
WTF was up with Renee at the end? Almost got the feeling she was going to help the guy.

Glad to see Olivia get whats coming.

Where did you get that idea? It was obvious that she was going to go in and kick his ass to make him pay for all the shit that he caused that day.
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Cast additions for season 8 to include.....

as the head of CTU NY...


Bubba from Forest Gump

As some kind of president of a middle eastern country


the game show host from Slumdog Millionaire

As a Jack Bauer worshipping CTU guy...


Fred from Scooby Do (Freddy Prinze Jr.)

And as a data analyst for CTU...


Starbuck from BSG....

With this cast what could go wrong?
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Well, another season of 24 has started and Renee Walker and Kim Bauer still haven't made out with eachother. That was frustrating, but I thought the 2 hour premiere was pretty good other than that.

When will people at CTU ever learn to listen to Jack? His word is strong like ox. I remember him killing 2 in the first 2 hours, and that's before he got a gun.

I wonder what "Jenny's" secret is? Town bicycle? Hermaphrodite? Carnie?
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1645135; said:
The granddaughter angle had me thinking Jack was a dead man by the end of day 8. Hope I'm wrong. I doubt I'll be happy with a Jack Bauer-less 24.

They're definitely setting it up so the ending is very sad if he dies. There will never be another Jack Bauer.
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