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Jack rocks. When he had the scumbag handcuffed and sitting next to his wife on the couch, and pointed the gun at the guy's knee, I could see the guy wasn't going to talk, so I yelled out "Shoot the wife in her knee!"

So I thought it was great when he shot her (just above the knee). :biggrin:
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Wolverine is a pussy.

Gotta admit, last nights hours were frickin' sweet. Too bad ole Edgar had to buy the farm....it's a shame he had to die before declaring his undying love for Chloe.

So, who is going to make the "ultimate sacrifice" next week?

And does anyone else think this year's 24 is the best yet, or do I only think that because it's here now and the others are in the past?
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OK. I thought I was being stealthy enough to not be noticed.

Stealthy? You call posting in every thread in which I post, immediately after I post, for ten straight minutes, stealthy? I scoff. I scorn. I laugh. I mock. I...I...I...I want to make sure you were stalking me. You were, right?

And no way is it Kim's new boyfriend (although he sucks). My money is on Buchanon, although I don't know why. Also, as a side note, the preview never said the person would die, just that they would make the ultimate sacrifice. So, while it's possible that they die, it's not for sure. Also, how stupid is Buchanon for telling Tony about Henderson? Now Henderson and Tony are locked up in the same room...something tells me that Henderson doesn't have long to live.
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Stealthy? You call posting in every thread in which I post, immediately after I post, for ten straight minutes, stealthy? I scoff. I scorn. I laugh. I mock. I...I...I...I want to make sure you were stalking me. You were, right?

And no way is it Kim's new boyfriend (although he sucks). My money is on Buchanon, although I don't know why. Also, as a side note, the preview never said the person would die, just that they would make the ultimate sacrifice. So, while it's possible that they die, it's not for sure. Also, how stupid is Buchanon for telling Tony about Henderson? Now Henderson and Tony are locked up in the same room...something tells me that Henderson doesn't have long to live.

Apparently we're both just post-whoring all over the place.

Sorry, but it's not all about you, FKA. :tongue2:
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