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FKAGobucks877 said:
Prisonbreak? Prisonbreak? Prisonbreak?

I question your manhood.
at least prison break has believable characters. how am i supposed to believe a dumbass like this who can't even complete a sentence without help from 15 different aides got elected president by the american public.

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at least prison break has believable characters. how am i supposed to believe a dumbass like this who can't even complete a sentence without help from 15 different aides got elected president by the american public.


Prison Break and believable characters? I like that show too, but I'm not quite going there... Too many characters willing to give the benefit of the doubt on a convict's promise that he can somehow help them.

And this has been said, but the current 24 Prez was not elected; he took over for the incapacitated Keeler and is in the same term. But I say trust the writers--and Kiefer as exec producer--they already started getting the CTU house back in order last week, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Logan out of office in the next few hours...
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