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When he has driven far enough away, Henderson detonates the bomb with a remote. It explodes the bunker door, destroying most of the lab. Jack climbs up from the floor panel where he was hiding and crawls out among the rubble.
Jack really is super human. I don't know if anyone works in an environment with a raised floor like what was shown in the computer room of the show, but no how, no way is anyone lifting one of those panels out of the floor without the aid of a special suction-cup like tool. Those floor tiles weigh 40 to 50 lbs apiece, and there is nothing to lift without the benefit of a tool.

He was also fortunate that the filing cabinet was apparently completely empty! :biggrin:
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4:06 P.M.
Logan is desperate to save his wife
not quite. he's such a douche. it was just easier to give up the motorcade info than to figure out a way to save the Russian president/his wife/people from the nerve gas. he's a shit fuck.

why didn't they send a dummy car along that route and have the Russian president go in another car in a completely different direction?
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Logan is an ass. When CTU saves his wife, he says "thank god"

That dumb ass could have saved her all along. He is just releived that now he isn't personally responsible for the nerve gas going off. In his own warped mind, it is now CTU's fault because they thwarted the motorcade attack.

that guy is the contents of a duchebag!
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i swear to god if it's 2 hours of the shitfuck president walking around with his head cocked sideways, mouth agape, saying "what do i do?".....i'm done with the series. prison break is on soon and that will be enough for me.
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