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True, but they've mentioned it's been three years since the last season (that's how long Jack has been "dead"), so there is a 75% chance that there has been an election since.

Additionally, if they can initiate a "vote of no confidence" in Palmer, like they did two seasons ago, then Logan would already be gone. Further, if I recall last season correctly, the President did not die when Air Force One crashed, he was merely incapacitated for that day. One would then be led to believe that either (A) he did eventually die, which to my knowledge was never mentioned, or (B) Logan ran for President in the next election and won.

Actually, I believe it's only been 18 months since Day 4, which was itself 18 months after Day 3. So Day 3 was in the middle of election season (Palmer vs Keeler), Day 4 was a little over a year into Keeler's presidency, and the current Day is almost 3 years into the same term. No way does Logan make it through an election, much less get elected.

Looking forward to meeting Jack's recruiter Christopher Henderson...
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Where the hell is Jacks daughter? Didnt he want her found like 4 hours ago?

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Where the hell is Jacks daughter? Didnt he want her found like 4 hours ago?


Audrey called her and got voice mail. I'm sure her life fell apart after the "death" of her father. She could be turning tricks for all we know. I'm sure Jack will have to take at least 45 minutes out of his day to bail her out of some kind of trouble. Hopefully she is wearing a tight shirt when it happens.
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Didn't she fade off into the sunset with Chase? I can't remember how that turned out, but I thought Chase (missing a hand) and her stayed together...

And I don't remember Audrey getting a voicemail from her. She told Jack that she'd left his daughter a message, but that's the last I remember it being mentioned.
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Didn't she fade off into the sunset with Chase? I can't remember how that turned out, but I thought Chase (missing a hand) and her stayed together...

And I don't remember Audrey getting a voicemail from her. She told Jack that she'd left his daughter a message, but that's the last I remember it being mentioned.

i meant Audrey called her and got voice mail....my bad with the vague reference.

here is a funny write up from some 24 junky website that a buddy forwarded me:

"I'm not talking to a terrorist. You talk to him, find out what he wants." And there you have it, folks — President Logan approaches affairs of state the same way most of us deal with telemarketers. How on earth Mike Novick has refrained from hauling off and smacking Logan square in the mouth, I'll never know. The sad truth is, though, that I'm starting to crave my Logan hatred in steady, ever-increasing intervals. Addiction is a harsh yet fickle mistress, and who am I to put up a fight? Something else I'm completely hooked on: waiting for Jack to get the upper hand on whichever unlucky soul happens to be responsible for holding him captive. Fortunately, the wait's never too long — this time it's Curtis who gets the patented Bauer choke hold, followed by the obligatory "I'm sorry." Clearly, this dude needs his own section at Hallmark. "My apologies for knocking you unconscious; it was a matter of national security." Meanwhile Audrey, Chloe and Buchanan are up to their eyeballs in a particularly high-spirited game of keep-away with McGill, who appreciates that throw-the-ball-without-really-throwing-it game about as much as your dog does. Oh, and Yellow Tie? I take full responsibility for your untimely demise — I jinxed you last week by referring to you as a worthy midlevel adversary. Totally my bad. But even with First Crazy's last-ditch (and awesome) attempt to save the Russian presidential motorcade, I have to say that my favorite part of the entire episode is our brief encounter with McGill's junkie sister and her key-card-stealing boyfriend. There's something vaguely European about them — I expect them to burst into a rousing chorus of "99 Luftballons" at any given moment. And what a magical part of the day that will be.
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Actually, I believe it's only been 18 months since Day 4, which was itself 18 months after Day 3. So Day 3 was in the middle of election season (Palmer vs Keeler), Day 4 was a little over a year into Keeler's presidency, and the current Day is almost 3 years into the same term. No way does Logan make it through an election, much less get elected.

Looking forward to meeting Jack's recruiter Christopher Henderson...

Why do you believe this? For some reason I'm thinking that Jack has said his daughter (and others, for that matter) have thought him dead for three years, which would mean this day is three years after the last one...maybe not, though. Now I want to say it's only been six months...:lol:
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Why do you believe this? For some reason I'm thinking that Jack has said his daughter (and others, for that matter) have thought him dead for three years, which would mean this day is three years after the last one...maybe not, though. Now I want to say it's only been six months...:lol:

Because they said a year and a half a couple times early in the current Day, and both Wikipedia and TV.com concur that it has been 18 months since Day 4. Maybe you're thinking of some reference to the 3 years since Jack worked for CTU full-time, which is the time between Days 3 and 5.
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