Buckeyes are best
True, but they've mentioned it's been three years since the last season (that's how long Jack has been "dead"), so there is a 75% chance that there has been an election since.
Additionally, if they can initiate a "vote of no confidence" in Palmer, like they did two seasons ago, then Logan would already be gone. Further, if I recall last season correctly, the President did not die when Air Force One crashed, he was merely incapacitated for that day. One would then be led to believe that either (A) he did eventually die, which to my knowledge was never mentioned, or (B) Logan ran for President in the next election and won.
Actually, I believe it's only been 18 months since Day 4, which was itself 18 months after Day 3. So Day 3 was in the middle of election season (Palmer vs Keeler), Day 4 was a little over a year into Keeler's presidency, and the current Day is almost 3 years into the same term. No way does Logan make it through an election, much less get elected.
Looking forward to meeting Jack's recruiter Christopher Henderson...