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Seriously, was there any doubt the president would give the order to release the gas?

'Waaaaaaah waaaaaaaaah.....what do I do? This is your move CTU'
'No it isn't Mr. President, it's yoursl'
'Waaaaaaaaaah......Mike.....tell me what to do'
'No Mr. President, you have to decide'
'Waaaah Wahhhhhhhhhhh......what do you think I should do CTU? I'll do whatever you're saying I should.'
*Whew, I almost had to make a decision there*

Well deciding to let 1000 innocent U.S. citizens die is a pretty big decision.
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It's an easy decision in my mind. You got Jack Bauer....so you know he's going to find the other canisters on his own. You might even think about blindfolding him to make it fair.

So let's see.....kill a couple hundred people in a mall and POSSIBLY find the other canisters


Not kill a couple hundred people in a mall and POSSIBLY find the other canisters.

Yeah, it's a toss up.
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buckeyefool said:
As soon as I saw the kids in the mall I knew there was no way in hell he was going to let them die.
Exactly. You knew only a friggin retard would say "yeah kill the kids because we might find the other canisters". And yet, the "president" had a hard time making the decision, and then he just buckled under the pressure of Rudy. At least when Rudy makes a stupid ass move he's a man about it.
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It's an easy decision in my mind. You got Jack Bauer....so you know he's going to find the other canisters on his own. You might even think about blindfolding him to make it fair.

So let's see.....kill a couple hundred people in a mall and POSSIBLY find the other canisters


Not kill a couple hundred people in a mall and POSSIBLY find the other canisters.

Yeah, it's a toss up.

yep, thats exactly what i was thinking as well. bring em in and give yourself an hour or two in order to break them. bring in a couple interrogators from isreal. bet they talk inside of 25 min.
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can't wait to see the president struggle over what he should have for lunch.



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Fuck! We haven't had electricity all day today, so I was afraid we'd miss tonight's show. Luckily, it came on about an hour ago. (Just down the street, a city truck knocked down a utility pole and took TWELVE of them with him!)
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Fuck, I missed the first half of tonights show, and was thrown off a little bit. Can one of you guys please sum it up for me, so im not too lost next episode (or i can atleast know whats going on while i wait another week). It would be greatly appreciated.
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