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Dude, for the last time, Nina is NOT HOT. Eww. Really. Now, if they want to bring Kim Bauer back onto the show....rrrrrrow.

kim is definitely hot, though stupid. come to think of it, other than kim and ... *cough* nina *cough*.. there really hasn't been much to look at. you know... other than the car chases, nuclear explosions, non nuclear explosions, massive amounts of gun play and lots of people dieing and unique and interesting ways.. :biggrin:
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ugh. every segment with the president is retarded. there is no way he would sit there and take the blame for something just cuz he's feeling guilty about his stupid crazy wife.

worst president ever.
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Anybody else catch John McCain dropping off some papers at CTU during the intro from a commercial break (where they had 4 shots on the screen at once)?
I wonder how many other little cameos like that they have had
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I knew that little sex bitch was gonna wax that fucker...so did Jack, which is why he left her alone for a minute. I'm disappointed, I think Jack only killed two people, and wounded one other one. It was nice to see the hobbit get his hobbit-ass kicked...wonder how big that will play later in the show, since his entire wallet was stolen...ID card? Access to CTU? Considering there are always at least 86 kidnappings per 24 hours of the show, I would imagine the hobbit's crackwhore sister is gonna be snatched for one reason or another...and I don't think Kim has ever made it through a day without being kidnapped....

Stupid previews made me think some 15 year old sex toy was a dead ex-character. Sorry about jumping to all those conclusions...:biggrin:
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