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Anybody here think any of the writers of this show voted for Bush?

considering how great of a person and leader they portrayed palmer and how weak and pathetic this guy is... id say highly unlikely.

don't worry all, jack will be back to his cutting off federal witness' heads and stuffing them in doufle bags self in no time :wink:. that was by far my fav episode from any of the seasons for that reason alone. i think that was my first true "holy #$*(#&!" moment with 24.

jack bauer is about to have the longest day of his life.... again..
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considering how great of a person and leader they portrayed palmer and how weak and pathetic this guy is... id say highly unlikely.

don't worry all, jack will be back to his cutting off federal witness' heads and stuffing them in doufle bags self in no time :wink:. that was by far my fav episode from any of the seasons for that reason alone. i think that was my first true "holy #$*(#&!" moment with 24.

jack bauer is about to have the longest day of his life.... again..

Agreed. That episode totally kicked ass.

Pedophile: What? I'm under Federal Protection, you can't do shit. So what if I get off on little kids?

Jack Bauer: *pulls gun* *BANG* Anyone have a saw?
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Did they forget to let Mike Novak out?

I don't mind the technical impossibilities. The only thing that bugs me is that it only takes Jack 10 minutes to get from CTU to anywhere in Los Angeles (and vice versa).

I also wish they'd be more true to the real-time aspect. News of events get relayed to the president or CTU way too fast. They could put some buffer in there by rearranging some of the scenes.
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Did they forget to let Mike Novak out?

I don't mind the technical impossibilities. The only thing that bugs me is that it only takes Jack 10 minutes to get from CTU to anywhere in Los Angeles (and vice versa).

I also wish they'd be more true to the real-time aspect. News of events get relayed to the president or CTU way too fast. They could put some buffer in there by rearranging some of the scenes.

silence......there will be no criticism of 24 on this thread. The only reason you are posting on this thread is because Jack Bauer is allowing it:wink2:
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