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Sounds good to me! He didn't kill anyone last week, so he's gotta make up for it this week. :p
My goodness! I didn't even realize that Jack DIDN'T KILL ANYONE last week. He must have been on some anti-depressants or something because he usually kills people who are ahead of him in line to get a happy meal. What is the world coming to when Jack goes an entire hour without homicide?

I kinda feel like I was cheated on.
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I seem to remember her getting blown up two years ago in Mexico.

I meant two years ago, sorry...but correct me if I'm wrong...Jack was in the house w/ Nina and the terrorist dudes...gunfight ensues, Jack shoots terrorist dude, Nina escapes, then Jack has to get the F out because the building is about to explode. They did a quick search for Nina, but were in a hurrry to get back so they basically assumed she was dead when they didn't find her. Keep in mind they never showed her body or even alluded to the fact she was dead, just that the building blew, and she had been in it. Am I wrong? Did I miss something later? I don't remember her ever being mentioned again after that episode.
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My goodness! I didn't even realize that Jack DIDN'T KILL ANYONE last week. He must have been on some anti-depressants or something because he usually kills people who are ahead of him in line to get a happy meal. What is the world coming to when Jack goes an entire hour without homicide?

I kinda feel like I was cheated on.

Er...um...well, there's probably something you should know about me and Sushi, now that you mention it....

We both eat paintchips. At least, we're rumored to. :biggrin:
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I found the episode where Jack kills Nina...


The last scene:

2:57 A.M.
Kim panics, and runs into a stairwell. She sees one of the CTU guards dead. She grabs the guard’s gun for security. Kim then finds Nina in the control room of CTU, ripping out wires from a keypad. She orders Nina to drop her gun. Nina warns Kim to walk away because she’s not a part of this, but Kim refuses to back down. Nina begins to slowly rise her gun hand, and Kim threatens to shoot her. Suddenly, Nina is shot in the shoulder by Jack, who has come up behind Kim. Nina drops to the ground. Jack orders Kim to go back into the building and tell everyone that he has Nina. Nina moves her hand closer to the gun on the ground. “You don’t have any more useful information, do you Nina?” Jack asks rhetorically. Although Nina tries to plead, Jack says “No, you don’t.” He fires three shots into her.
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Yep, you're right, now I remember that. DAMN IT, then who is this person that's going to appear tonight? Kim doesn't make sense...maybe I'm just reading to much into the previews....only other "twist" I can think of is Palmer's brother, but I don't think he would have had anything to do with killing his brother.
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Yep, you're right, now I remember that. DAMN IT, then who is this person that's going to appear tonight? Kim doesn't make sense...maybe I'm just reading to much into the previews....only other "twist" I can think of is Palmer's brother, but I don't think he would have had anything to do with killing his brother.

It seems like 24 loves to fuck with our heads and turn good people into Jack meat, so who knows!
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I found the episode where Jack kills Nina...


The last scene:

2:57 A.M.
Kim panics, and runs into a stairwell. She sees one of the CTU guards dead. She grabs the guard’s gun for security. Kim then finds Nina in the control room of CTU, ripping out wires from a keypad. She orders Nina to drop her gun. Nina warns Kim to walk away because she’s not a part of this, but Kim refuses to back down. Nina begins to slowly rise her gun hand, and Kim threatens to shoot her. Suddenly, Nina is shot in the shoulder by Jack, who has come up behind Kim. Nina drops to the ground. Jack orders Kim to go back into the building and tell everyone that he has Nina. Nina moves her hand closer to the gun on the ground. “You don’t have any more useful information, do you Nina?” Jack asks rhetorically. Although Nina tries to plead, Jack says “No, you don’t.” He fires three shots into her.

Now I remember. Salazar was the one who got blown up in Mexico. Nina got executed by Jack.

Is it just me or has Jack gone a while too long without executing one of his superiors?

Yep, you're right, now I remember that. DAMN IT, then who is this person that's going to appear tonight? Kim doesn't make sense...maybe I'm just reading to much into the previews....only other "twist" I can think of is Palmer's brother, but I don't think he would have had anything to do with killing his brother.

Chase can give Jack an arm up in this fight.
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I'm thinking now that I was just over-thinking the preview...at the end of the preview, it showed Jack yelling for someone (who was hiding behind a couch) to show Jack their hands, and to come out slowly...and then the preview ended with the hands coming up from behind the couch, but it did not show who the person was, so I'm thinking it's another twist...or at least I was. Now I'm just confused. I guess it won't matter much, Jack will just kill whoever it is within a couple of hours anyways...:lol:
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I'm thinking now that I was just over-thinking the preview...at the end of the preview, it showed Jack yelling for someone (who was hiding behind a couch) to show Jack their hands, and to come out slowly...and then the preview ended with the hands coming up from behind the couch, but it did not show who the person was, so I'm thinking it's another twist...or at least I was. Now I'm just confused. I guess it won't matter much, Jack will just kill whoever it is within a couple of hours anyways...:lol:
I didn't remember the previews, so I was just brainstorming any possible mystery guest. Now that you mention the person raising their hands from behind the couch (or bed), I do remember thinking that it looked like a young kid (7-years old). But that was just a brief glimpse.
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Honestly, I can't remember. I don't know that they showed it close enough to tell, but my wife immediately said it was Palmer's wife (which is why I cracked that joke the next day), but she's dead. I immediately thought of Nina, and now I'm pissed because I knew damn well she was dead, I just didn't remember. So either the person had woman's hands, or the camera wasn't close enough to tell.
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I found the episode where Jack kills Nina...


The last scene:

2:57 A.M.
Kim panics, and runs into a stairwell. She sees one of the CTU guards dead. She grabs the guard’s gun for security. Kim then finds Nina in the control room of CTU, ripping out wires from a keypad. She orders Nina to drop her gun. Nina warns Kim to walk away because she’s not a part of this, but Kim refuses to back down. Nina begins to slowly rise her gun hand, and Kim threatens to shoot her. Suddenly, Nina is shot in the shoulder by Jack, who has come up behind Kim. Nina drops to the ground. Jack orders Kim to go back into the building and tell everyone that he has Nina. Nina moves her hand closer to the gun on the ground. “You don’t have any more useful information, do you Nina?” Jack asks rhetorically. Although Nina tries to plead, Jack says “No, you don’t.” He fires three shots into her.

*sitting in a corner rocking back and forth* lies!! all lies!! hot chicks only die in horror movies... hot chicks only die in horror movies... hot chicks only die in horror movies...
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