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Did the hobbit survive?

I think so, but his sister and her boyfriend got whacked by guys that used Rudy/Samwise's stolen keycard to enter CTU and set off the nerve gas that killed Edgar.

He didn't report the card stolen for about 4 hours, until hearing his sister was killed, at which point the card had already been used by the guy setting off the nerve gas inside CTU. So Rudy/Samwise is in serious trouble, until President Logan comes up with some dumb reason to place him back in charge of CTU.
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So, who is going to make the "ultimate sacrifice" next week?

tony = dead man walkin. will be interesting to see if tony can resist killing jacks old boss as they are now both in the infirmary.

i wasn't overly impressed with last nights episode. it was all extremely predictable. from dude offing the hobbits sister and brother in law not to be, to dudes wife getting knee capped (almost) to edgar biting it. im a little cranky they let him die though. he deserved a little chloe action imo. i did expect jack to get a little more aggressive with the whole interrogation of his ex boss though.

xIII should be VERY good. ive been really impressed by the way they have brought the x-men to the big screen.
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I thought last nights double episode was very good....

-Jack shooting Henderson's wife was classic.
-To bad about Edgar, I would have rather seen someone else die.
-Kim is as stupid as ever, do not trust her shrink, he is a plant, mark it down.
-Tony will get some answers from Henderson but Jack will stop him from killing him
-I think the VP is in on this whole thing.....he is trying to cover his ass.
-Curtis just kicks ass every week, another body down.
-Lynn has to be stupid to not report that card....I thought that story line was to predictable. Every season CTU is compromised in some way.

24 is like crack......how long until next week's episode.....:biggrin:
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I thought last nights double episode was very good....

-Jack shooting Henderson's wife was classic.
-To bad about Edgar, I would have rather seen someone else die.
-Kim is as stupid as ever, do not trust her shrink, he is a plant, mark it down.
-Tony will get some answers from Henderson but Jack will stop him from killing him
-I think the VP is in on this whole thing.....he is trying to cover his ass.
-Curtis just kicks ass every week, another body down.
-Lynn has to be stupid to not report that card....I thought that story line was to predictable. Every season CTU is compromised in some way.

24 is like crack......how long until next week's episode.....:biggrin:

Kim's boyfriend is a plant...set up by Henderson. Remember what Mrs. Henderson said about her husband checking in on Kim.

Also, agree about VP. Don't know if he's responsible, but he's in on it. My guess is he has ties to Henderson, and that's what Henderson doesn't want to tell.

As for Lynn...I would surely think that once he was placed in custody his card would either be confiscated or de-activated.
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Kim's boyfriend is a plant...set up by Henderson. Remember what Mrs. Henderson said about her husband checking in on Kim.

Also, agree about VP. Don't know if he's responsible, but he's in on it. My guess is he has ties to Henderson, and that's what Henderson doesn't want to tell.

As for Lynn...I would surely think that once he was placed in custody his card would either be confiscated or de-activated.

Its obvious her shrink is involved with Henderson. There is no doubt in my mind he is in on it, he is moving way to fast without congressional approval. A few episodes back there were hints, there were others within the government involved. I work at a place where you need key cards and once they are lost or whatever, its a simple procedure to deactivate the card......

I think Lynn is going to be the one to make the personal sacrifice on the next episode, his character can't really go anywhere at this point....

Look for a few things in the next episode.....

Jack and Barry (aka the shrink) going at it and look for Tony to be involved in the next 3-4 episodes....I don't want to give to much away. :wink2:
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Its obvious her shrink is involved with Henderson. There is no doubt in my mind he is in on it, he is moving way to fast without congressional approval. A few episodes back there were hints, there were others within the government involved. I work at a place where you need key cards and once they are lost or whatever, its a simple procedure to deactivate the card......

I think Lynn is going to be the one to make the personal sacrifice on the next episode, his character can't really go anywhere at this point....

Look for a few things in the next episode.....

Jack and Barry (aka the shrink) going at it and look for Tony to be involved in the next 3-4 episodes....I don't want to give to much away. :wink2:

That's one hell of a prediction 44820! :biggrin:
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Say it ain't so!

Edgar Stiles, the lovable bear of a computer expert on Fox's 24, is the latest casualty on the high body-count drama, which is known for its penchant for giving regulars the heave-ho.

The character crumpled to his death at the end of Monday's two-hour episode after he was exposed to nerve gas released by a Russian bad guy who infiltrated the counter-terrorist unit.

"People are going to flip out," says Louis Lombardi, 38, a Bronx-born actor whose sad-sack Edgar lost his mother in a nuclear attack, saved the day last season and yet remained a frequent target for insults.

"He was the humble guy-next-door who everyone feels bad for," Lombardi says. Edgar made the actor an unlikely fan favorite. In public, "everybody wants to buy me a drink, buy me dinner, give me a hug."

Executive producer Howard Gordon says he has no regrets.

"It was a tough decision but really the right decision," since producers needed to underscore the terrorist threat. "To keep it honest with the audience that anything is possible, sometimes people have to leave."

Especially beloved characters. Just ask Jack's wife, Teri Bauer, killed off at the end of the show's first season, or former President David Palmer, felled by a bullet in the first minutes of this season's opener.

Gordon acknowledged that in the 24 universe, Edgar became more vulnerable as his appeal grew. As he told Lombardi just before the episode was filmed in December: "The good news is you're one of the best characters on the show; the bad news is that, unfortunately, we have to kill you now."

Though it's a given on 24, where actors' contracts offer little job security, "I was kind of shocked, and then a little sad," Lombardi says.

Left unsettled was the true nature of Edgar's relationship with Chloe ( <FORM class=yqin action=http://yq.search.yahoo.com/search method=post> </FORM>Mary Lynn Rajskub), his socially awkward soul mate. Was there - as fans hoped - a love connection between them, now tragically broken?

"It was kind of unrequited," Gordon says. "For her it was a brother-sister" relationship, with its dose of affectionate cruelty, but "he probably wished it were more than that."

Until 24, Lombardi was best known as the FBI agent for whom Sal "Big Pussy" Bompensiero became an informant in The Sopranos' second season. He'd love to re-enlist for the show's final episodes, and has plans for his own comedy about small-time crooks.

And 24's producers want fans to forgive them. "I hope people will understand, I hope they'll be affected by the loss and I hope they'll miss him," Gordon says. "Because if they do, we'll have all done our jobs."
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OK so I had to work late last night and had to Tivo 24. I then sit down exhausted at 12 to watch 2 hours. I actually got through 1:50 of it....then I fell asleep for 49 minutes and 55 seconds......waking up just in time to see some girl's face up against glass and the clock ticking up with no sound. Being the idiot that I am....I go to bed a little disappointed in this weeks 2 hours.

I sit down at lunch to make sure I didn't miss anything and.........wow. what an ending.
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I watched Monday's 2 hour extravaganza last night. The damn thing cut off with 5 minutes left. I didn't get to see Edgar eat it. Oh well. It was a great episode. The part to me that is ridiculous is that Kim sees her dad for the first time and is pissed at him. completely unbeleiveable. Even after Chloe tells her that everyone that knew he was alive is either dead or had almost been killed she is still pissed. I think she has the selfish issues...not J Bizzle. Her dorky new boyfriend\shrink has brain washed her. He will be dead by 9 pm.
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