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CTU needs to have somebody who uses chemicals to interrogate people that's a little better at reading vital signs.

Putting the nerve gas inside CTU would seem to dovetail nicely with the VP's plan to invoke martial law under a different name. :wink2:

And Logan, please grow a pair!
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That interrogator was a wuss.

"Mr. Henderson, could you please tell me where the remaining nerve gas is? Pretty please? With sugar on top? [silence] Now, Mr. Henderson, I'm going to inject you with lethal doses of hyoscine-pentothal. It will only hurt a little bit. Here's a tissue if you need to wipe your tears. That's a big boy! [pinches cheeks]"
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I still am having a hard time believing that Audrey is involved......I can't stand the male chole from Homeland Security.......The german intelligence guy will be back........overall good episode.

Best moment:

1. Chole tells HS douchebag he can't have her key card.
2. The look on Jack's face when Audrey is apparently the source.
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