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CTU was sealed, they couldn't have gotten out even if they made it to the front door. I was a little disappointed in Henderson's escape...why the F would Tony put down a gun to kill him with a shot? That was a stretch, but not too bad, I guess.

My guess, we'll still see Kim's shrink boyfriend be a plant by Henderson, whose information is actually that the VP was in on the original plan. But unlike 44820, I don't go to the spoiler site to cheat...:biggrin:
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Tony :cry:
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I am not convinced he is dead at this point.....usually after a character is killed, the 24 clock is silent and it wasn't for Tony......

A couple of thoughts....

agree, strohs, even Rudy/Samwise might have been able to make it to the door after he shut down the system.

Hell, everyone might have been able to make it if they held their breath long enough.

Unfortunately, I believe CDU is locked down and there is no way out....so holding their breath to the front door would not have worked.

At this point, I really believe that Henderson is involved with Barry and that Kim will likely be a hostage real soon. I cannot believe they had the President crying, what a weak ass. I felt bad for Lynn but he did it to himself, but who doesn't feel bad for the security guard who got screwed.

Tony should have killed Henderson when he had the gun. Tony just doesn't have the killer instinct like Jack. Next episode looks like a lot of changes coming at CTU. Overall, good episode.
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My guess, we'll still see Kim's shrink boyfriend be a plant by Henderson, whose information is actually that the VP was in on the original plan. But unlike 44820, I don't go to the spoiler site to cheat...:biggrin:<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

I think its to obvious that the VP is involved, I just think he is radical at this point.
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