DaBuckMD 9 hours ago:
Starting a post with “betting the farm nothing happens” is a pretty strong way of introducing an opinion. I’m guessing that’s why your post above got grayed out.
Many of us are hopeful heavy sanctions come, are also weary of the NCAA, and are watching our expectations to avoid disappointment. Along with your point of why didn’t they settle, don’t forget the stern letter from the B1G and how telling that was related to information at hand. The fact they took the unprecedented step of suspending Harbaugh mid-season is a sign there is meat to this…along with Michigan empty winded “we will sue” only to pathetically withdraw.
Also, if rumors are to be believed coming from the Michigan end ….
A Michigan program insider is the one that spoon fed this information to the NCAA. I’m not sure that has ever happened and that is critical element because that means we’re not having to put our faith into the NCAA’s lack of investigative or subpoena ability.
They were given the information from the inside.
premierdrum 9 hours ago:
Not a rumor. :)
premierdrum 7 hours ago:
Far from "just" an insider... but certainly someone on the inside.
Just sayin': I wonder who the "deep throat" informer was at scUM.......

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