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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

Sorry but I fail to accept that stealing signs to win isn’t punished harder. I totally think this is full of shit.

Maybe they get their notice this week but again what the fuck would these insiders know? What, they know what the NCAA is thinking? There’s no freaking way they know shit about what the NCAA is going to do.

Let’s see what they allege because if all the sudden they get hit with lack of control then all bets are off
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DFBIA reacts

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: some of them are still all about this being some grand conspiracy that these news dumps are being coordinated to railroad Michigan when it comes to distracting the team, recruiting or whatever.

Their "huge recruiting weekend" resulted in 1 commit, the #24 CB in the 2026 class, BTW.
Don't like the negative attention?

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Sorry but I fail to accept that stealing signs to win isn’t punished harder. I totally think this is full of shit.

Maybe they get their notice this week but again what the fuck would these insiders know? What, they know what the NCAA is thinking? There’s no freaking way they know shit about what the NCAA is going to do.

Let’s see what they allege because if all the sudden they get hit with lack of control then all bets are off

The scUM insiders have really proven they know absolutely fucking nothing, they've been wrong every time they open their mouth about pretty much anything regarding the cheating scandal.
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The scUM insiders have really proven they know absolutely fucking nothing, they've been wrong every time they open their mouth about pretty much anything regarding the cheating scandal.
And the lie is always the same…

It’s always “oh it’s basically over blown and it’s no big deal”.

The moment they report the hammer is coming will be the moment I doubt the hammer is coming.
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And the lie is always the same…

It’s always “oh it’s basically over blown and it’s no big deal”.

The moment they report the hammer is coming will be the moment I doubt the hammer is coming.

To be fair I don't doubt there are sunshine pumpers from actually within the program actually feeding them this bogus info. But they are stupid for continuing to believe these sources.
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