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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

Even if anything everything doesn't come off the books, a big fat asterisk will be attached to all of it if they get hit for it. They'll be the Barry Bonds of the CFB world. They'll insist it's legit while everyone just snickers and says "yeah, sure."

They are already throwing out the logic that "Well the cheating scandal had no effect on the national title game!" :lol:

So fucking what? Lol. Even if that is true (they probably had at least a little something on Washington in their cheat binders) Without the cheating they never get that far in the first place.

Bottom line is their cheating directly tainted 3 full seasons of college football.

The Barry Bonds type shit along with the same "HANG THE BANNERS!" shit we got forever with the Fraud 5.
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And for that matter, stop referring to it as “sign stealing”

It was an in-person-scouting and electronic-recording scheme, and as such was the most blatant in-game cheating in the history of the sport
Good point. "Sign stealing" is what many teams try to do over the course of the game. If you can figure out what my playcalls are over the 60 minutes of regulation plus any overtimes, then shame on me and good for you. Like DBB says, they were advance-scouting and using electronics to learn their opponents' playcalls.

I'm still pessimistic. The NCAA is toothless, and will be exposed in a fight. They want to pretend that they're awesome. If they hand down a punishment that the cheaters will fight, they'll show the world that they aren't awesome. The cheaters will get a lame "punishment", showing that it's better to cheat and fight than to play fair or own the crime and take your punishment like a man.
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Good point. "Sign stealing" is what many teams try to do over the course of the game. If you can figure out what my playcalls are over the 60 minutes of regulation plus any overtimes, then shame on me and good for you. Like DBB says, they were advance-scouting and using electronics to learn their opponents' playcalls.

I'm still pessimistic. The NCAA is toothless, and will be exposed in a fight. They want to pretend that they're awesome. If they hand down a punishment that the cheaters will fight, they'll show the world that they aren't awesome. The cheaters will get a lame "punishment", showing that it's better to cheat and fight than to play fair or own the crime and take your punishment like a man.

The NCAA will try to claim "LOOK WE DID SOMETHING! WE STILL MATTER!" by finding a "middle ground" and settling for some bullshit like a one year postseason ban and nothing else. This is even more toothless than them doing nothing, IMO.
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The NCAA will try to claim "LOOK WE DID SOMETHING! WE STILL MATTER!" by finding a "middle ground" and settling for some bullshit like a one year postseason ban and nothing else. This is even more toothless than them doing nothing, IMO.
If they only get 2 year bowl ban and that’s it then that’s exactly what happened.

That said I don’t know how they can be hit with another lvl 1 violation and not get more.

Btw how the fuck would these idiots know what their punishment is. They have no clue and I don’t think anyone does.

If it’s another lvl 1 with another failing to cooperate once again I doubt they just get a small slap. That just doesn’t seem correct at all.

I still think they get worse than a 2 year bowl ban
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They are already throwing out the logic that "Well the cheating scandal had no effect on the national title game!" :lol:

So fucking what? Lol. Even if that is true (they probably had at least a little something on Washington in their cheat binders) Without the cheating they never get that far in the first place.

Bottom line is their cheating directly tainted 3 full seasons of college football.

The Barry Bonds type shit along with the same "HANG THE BANNERS!" shit we got forever with the Fraud 5.
The Washington players stated that TCUN players were calling out their plays on the field.
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If they only get 2 year bowl ban and that’s it then that’s exactly what happened.

That said I don’t know how they can be hit with another lvl 1 violation and not get more.

Btw how the fuck would these idiots know what their punishment is. They have no clue and I don’t think anyone does.

If it’s another lvl 1 with another failing to cooperate once again I doubt they just get a small slap. That just doesn’t seem correct at all.

I still think they get worse than a 2 year bowl ban

I still think the only proper punishment is severely handicapping their program for the same amount of time that they were running their cheating scheme and tainting the whole sport of college football.

3 year postseason ban, 3 years of severe recruiting restrictions along with the vacating of all wins from those 3 seasons.

Anything without the vacating of wins is comically toothless. Like I said above how can you possibly say "yea they cheated and it really was that bad" and then in the same breath say "but we are letting them keep all those wins"
The NCAA will try to claim "LOOK WE DID SOMETHING! WE STILL MATTER!" by finding a "middle ground" and settling for some bullshit like a one year postseason ban and nothing else. This is even more toothless than them doing nothing, IMO.
Fear us, and fall in line, or we'll do this to you, too!!
Don't do a pretend punishment for a team that wasn't going to get much into the post-season. Punish the leadership that allowed the cheating to happen.
If your kid is doing something he shouldn't, you punish him. You send him a message that the behavior wasn't worth the punishment. You punish the 2024 Canadian Women's Soccer team in 2024. You don't punish them in 2025.
THIS is why the NCAA is toothless.
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Fear us, and fall in line, or we'll do this to you, too!!
Don't do a pretend punishment for a team that wasn't going to get much into the post-season. Punish the leadership that allowed the cheating to happen.
If your kid is doing something he shouldn't, you punish him. You send him a message that the behavior wasn't worth the punishment. You punish the 2024 Canadian Women's Soccer team in 2024. You don't punish them in 2025.
THIS is why the NCAA is toothless.

This sets a funny precedent, basically cheat your ass off to win a title you more than likely wouldn't had sniffed without cheating, then in the end all you'll get is a 1 year postseason ban in a time where you arent going to likely be a contender anyway. You gain everything and lose not very much.
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3 year postseason ban, 3 years of severe recruiting restrictions along with the vacating of all wins from those 3 seasons.
I like where you're going, but I'm guessing that with the 12-team playoff, the 3-year ban in your outline will be a pretty strong restriction on their recruiting. But I agree - hit them with as many barrels as you have.
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I like where you're going, but I'm guessing that with the 12-team playoff, the 3-year ban in your outline will be a pretty strong restriction on their recruiting. But I agree - hit them with as many barrels as you have.

True but considering they aren't going to handout any SMU type actual death penalties, the postseason ban along with some very hefty recruiting limitations is probably about as close as you can get to that. That would send them to a below Rich Rod era level. 3+ years (it would take at least a 2-3 more to maybe recover from all of that) of them basically being a mediocre MAC team.
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DFBIA reacts

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: some of them are still all about this being some grand conspiracy that these news dumps are being coordinated to railroad Michigan when it comes to distracting the team, recruiting or whatever.

Their "huge recruiting weekend" resulted in 1 commit, the #24 CB in the 2026 class, BTW.


July 29th, 2024 at 4:00 PM ^

No doubt they put this out to coincide with our biggest recruiting weekend. That, coupled with the Sign Stealing documentary coming out in the first week of the regular season, is a nice double dong punch.
Also, "Michigan is prepared to fight"? Starting when? They backed down to everything last year and the assumption was that it would be enough. And, it wasn't.
Also, 12 teams make the playoffs every year. If certain teams, OSU, Bama, Oklahoma, Texas, USC, Michigan, Notre Dame, Oregon (i guess?), LSU, Georgia, ... do not make it every year, their coach will be deemed a failure. NCAA just trying to mandate it.
Not sure why folks here don't really care... this seems pretty bad, considering all the reporting said nothing was going to happen. It gives 2 years of players NOTHING to play for... which damages us in the NIL/transfer portal era where players at all ages can bold instantly because they will be playing for nothing.
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The crime: impermissible benefits exacerbated by a lie
Self reported: technically, yes. We could have gone “Michigan” and spiked it
Involvement: 5 players in original “tats 4 trinkets”; HC lied
Repercussions: wins vacated, 2011 season destroyed by suspension of tat5, 2012 season destroyed by postseason ban


The crime: On field cheat-to-win
self reported: nope
Involvement: The entire program, top to bottom
Repercussions? Well, the Buckeyes had 3 seasons affected, 1 vacated and 2 destroyed. Considering the comparison of the crimes and the involvement, to even be remotely proportional ScUM should get SMU’d

and I didn’t even mention the level of cooperation
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