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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

I am not sure the regurgitation from SI is new just more public, it's just specific about what was whispered about for awhile

this on the other hand

Lol "preparing to fight" indicates something bad is coming.

What happened to the claim from their "insiders" that the joke was going to be on everyone else because of what a nothing burger the allegations were going to be? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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If any of that is true fuck them and their coward asses.

How can you not vacate the last 3 years?

A 1 year ban? wtf would that even do…

So then what that tells me is dude you go anything and everything you can to win. Then once you win you leave. Fuck it you aren’t penalized and the wins remain so who cares what happens to you?
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Maybe not as bad as some people hoped. Interested in what level 1 penalties will be meted out.

I figured the NCAA would tuck tail and not even levy any postseason ban.

1 year is weak though, it better be at least 2, more favorably 3 considering that would match the years their cheating was in full effect.
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Maybe not as bad as some people hoped. Interested in what level 1 penalties will be meted out.
Meh....people are just guessing based upon past transgressions and hoping they are correct.
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Then again this is all from Michigan insiders who have been massively wrong on just about everything. They’ve been saying no vacated since this started.

I don't see how you can say "yea they did all that and it was really bad" without vacating anything. But it's the NCAA so logic does not apply.
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According to Chris Balas of TheWolverine.com, the NCAA is prepared to issue a Notice of Allegations against Michigan as soon as Tuesday. Per Balas’ report, Michigan is expected to be hit with Level I violations for the off-campus, in-person scouting operation led by former staffer Connor Stalions.

In addition to vacated wins, they need some Level I lack of institutional control violations too.....:nod:

I Hope It’s Worth the Wait!!!​

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DFBIA seems even a-ok with a one or two year postseason ban, because they fucking know that they aren't going to be true contenders anyway :lol:

That's the most annoying part about all of this. They got their title and they have no problem that they sold out completely into cheating for it, and they are essentially getting away with it since nothing is going to be vacated.
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I'm not even going to try to guess what any of this means. The NCAA is so wildly inconsistent with its enforcement of its rules that any predictions would just be baseless speculation. I'll celebrate (or bitch) when a ruling comes down...probably sometime in 2027.

Yea nothing will even get into motion until 2025, and then we get all the appeals and that bullshit too. Itll be 2026 at the earliest before any actual sanctions really come down.
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DFBIA seems even a-ok with a one or two year postseason ban, because they fucking know that they aren't going to be true contenders anyway :lol:

That's the most annoying part about all of this. They got their title and they have no problem that they sold out completely into cheating for it, and they are essentially getting away with it since nothing is going to be vacated.
Even if anything doesn't come off the books, a big fat asterisk will be attached to all of it if they get hit for it. They'll be the Barry Bonds of the CFB world. They'll insist it's legit while everyone just snickers and says "yeah, sure."
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