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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

Does anyone else think that the NCAA statement will read something like this:

[The out loud part]"Yes, Michigan broke the rules by stealing signs, but it's really our fault for not allowing helmet communication. We hope to do a better job in the future. Now here's your slap on the wrist."

[The quiet part] "Our media and sports wagering partners don't seem to care about the integrity of our product, so why should we?"

Good god, DFBIA has already been using the "PEOPLE SHOULD BE THANKING US FOR CHANGING THE GAME BY MAKING THEM ALLOW HELMET COMMUNICATION!" card. They'd get even more obnoxious and high and mighty with that if this were the case.

As for the quiet part. The media and gambling partners KNOW that Michigan totally compromised the integrity of the game, but no way in fucking hell are they ever going to admit it. We saw how quick the tone turned when it came to how they talked about all of this, after the first couple of days it was avoided and they even went out of their way at times to fluff piece scUM instead.
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Buckeye scoop info so TIFWIW…they think punishment will be the following and I’m only sharing because damn I hope this is true.

2 year bowl ban likely, also vacated wins for 2021-2022 and then half the year of 2023. That’s on top of vacated big ten titles, 15 scholarships, 10 million dollar fine and 10 year show cause.

No way we are that lucky but I want to will this to being true.
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Buckeye scoop info so TIFWIW…they think punishment will be the following and I’m only sharing because damn I hope this is true.

2 year bowl ban likely, also vacated wins for 2021-2022 and then half the year of 2023. That’s on top of vacated big ten titles, 15 scholarships, 10 million dollar fine and 10 year show cause.

No way we are that lucky but I want to will this to being true.
Forfeit and I am happy with that, except it should be the whole of 2023 and forfeits.

Unfortunately, Scoop just runs for clicks, so I really don't trust that.
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Buckeye scoop info so TIFWIW…they think punishment will be the following and I’m only sharing because damn I hope this is true.

2 year bowl ban likely, also vacated wins for 2021-2022 and then half the year of 2023. That’s on top of vacated big ten titles, 15 scholarships, 10 million dollar fine and 10 year show cause.

No way we are that lucky but I want to will this to being true.
So again - everything is just pure speculation.

The speculation yesterday was the punishments were going to be basically nothing.

The speculation from these guys today is steepest penalties since SMU.

The former FO in me says they've bracketed the target and it'll be something in between.
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So again - everything is just pure speculation.

The speculation yesterday was the punishments were going to be basically nothing.

The speculation from these guys today is steepest penalties since SMU.

The former FO in me says they've bracketed the target and it'll be something in between.

I think vacated wins and titles and 1-2 year bowl ban.

I’d be surprised if they lost scholarships but I suppose I won’t fight it
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So again - everything is just pure speculation.

The speculation yesterday was the punishments were going to be basically nothing.

The speculation from these guys today is steepest penalties since SMU.

The former FO in me says they've bracketed the target and it'll be something in between.
I’m going to guess that FO either means Forward Observer or Freebasing Orangutan
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So again - everything is just pure speculation.

The speculation yesterday was the punishments were going to be basically nothing.

The speculation from these guys today is steepest penalties since SMU.

The former FO in me says they've bracketed the target and it'll be something in between.
I am getting satisfaction from Scum's arrogant fan base claiming they did nothing wrong, and nothing would happen. Whatever TF a "nothing burger" is. It is a something burger.

*Sorry for the different bold. Just popped up.
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