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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Reasons why case will remain in MI courts:
Buzz killington
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I think that's what everybody thought at first, but apparently they had to file it locally "for reasons".
Ok - that makes sense.
Cause they likely think they have a better chance of winning with UM judges which is probably something like 90% of the judges in the same county as AA lol
I looked at the Eastern District lineup - like 2/3rds of that group has either graduated or lectured at scUM as well :lol:
if you reside in state A, and a company headquartered in state B has commercial activity in state A, you can sue that company in a state court in state A. It doesn’t have to be a Federal Court.
hey man I'm an IT guy.... :lol:
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The cover-up is always worse than the crime.
Read through most…

Basically goes

Big: hey you broke the rules and cheated for 3 years.

Michigan: what? No we didn’t.

Big: um yes you did here’s the data.

Michigan: no we didn’t! Seriously prove it.

Big: what? Are you stupid we gave you the evidence?

Michigan: no you didn’t.

Big: seriously stfu did you even read it?

Michigan: no didn’t bother because we didn’t do anything wrong.

Big: ugh, wtf. I’m suspending your coach 3 games and good luck with the NCAA because they can provide all of it.

Michigan: stop picking on us!
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Read through most…

Basically goes

Big: hey you broke the rules and cheated for 3 years.

Michigan: what? No we didn’t.

Big: um yes you did here’s the data.

Michigan: no we didn’t! Seriously prove it.

Big: what? Are you stupid we gave you the evidence?

Michigan: no you didn’t.

Big: seriously stfu did you even read it?

Michigan: no didn’t bother because we didn’t do anything wrong.

Big: ugh, wtf. I’m suspending your coach 3 games and good luck with the NCAA because they can provide all of it.

Michigan: stop picking on us!
GPA quality!
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If any of y'all haven't read the entire 13 page letter from Tony Pititti, here it is. They are FUCKED.

Tony appears to be very displease with tCun ("the University").

"The University’s reading is simply incorrect."
Translation: You would think the University would have better reading comprehension skills.
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Tony appears to be very displease with tCun ("the University").

"The University’s reading is simply incorrect."
Translation: You would think the University would have better reading comprehension skills.
Which is weird because Michigan also stated they didn’t review the evidence either.

Yet somehow they’re fighting back with everything they have?

Only assumption I can make is somehow the university thinks they can’t be held responsible if they don’t know the details? But obviously there’s NCAA rules for that now and it leads to a lack of control issue which they wouldn’t want.

Overall, I really don’t get what would cause a university to not review the evidence that details what they’re alleged to have done. If they have reviewed then that might actually be worse. Because that means they were presented the details and thought “nah we didn’t do anything only Connor did”.

My guess is they looked at the evidence but just somehow think they can get around it by saying Connor did it all as an analyst. Somehow they aren’t grasping that they’re going to be responsible for Connor. Particularly with how many photos and videos there are of him in close communication with the staff during the games
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