Captain Buckeye
Assistant Coach
They don’t care. They just want this last hit of Michigan football before it all is taken away.Even in a profession that requires the mental horsepower of an air fryer, people are starting to wake up to what the B1g/NCAA has publicly stated which is "we have evidence. We know you did it. Here is what we have" and then seeing the tsun reaction of "yeah but you really shouldn't punish us. At least not right now" and realizing just how utterly senseless this is.
Think about it like this, even when someone is lying about it, when you accuse them of doing something they come over the top with a protestation of their innocence. Right? ("I did not have sexual relations with that woman...") When in your life have you seen anyone react to an accusation of impropriety...of any sort...with "you are moving too fast with a punishment"? I mean what in the actual fuck? Who does that? More importantly, how can anyone outside of their echo chamber, take that for anything but a tacit acknowledgement of guilt?
That’s why I was so adamant that they needed the season taken from them. Because after this year they’re all done. The coaches are getting show causes, the players are going to go pro, and now the university leadership will jump ship too.
None of the punishment will actually punish those involved. Then you watch they’ll say what they got was too harsh because “the kids don’t deserve this”. Well when your adults in the room defer punishment this is what will happen to you.