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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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If coaches at CMU knew, there's no fucking way it wasn't common knowledge at scUM. Wonder if he reused an alias that can be traced to sideline passes given at other schools.

If you are a member of the staff deemed important enough that you’re communicating audibles to Harbaugh and the coordinators on the sideline during games, there is a 0.0% chance you could just disappear for like 6 or 7 hours the night before the first game of the season without anyone knowing.
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Read through most…

Basically goes

Big: hey you broke the rules and cheated for 3 years.

Michigan: what? No we didn’t.

Big: um yes you did here’s the data.

Michigan: no we didn’t! Seriously prove it.

Big: what? Are you stupid we gave you the evidence?

Michigan: no you didn’t.

Big: seriously stfu did you even read it?

Michigan: no didn’t bother because we didn’t do anything wrong.

Big: ugh, wtf. I’m suspending your coach 3 games and good luck with the NCAA because they can provide all of it.

Michigan: stop picking on us!
Reality suspended.......
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Apparently a mod at michigan insider posted about 5 hours ago that the NCAA is interviewing players and offering immunity if they admit involvement or knowledge - supposedly something like that. Seems like the NCAA is fishing for whistleblowers.

Edit: apparently this is standard practice with ncaa investigations, however it may to be an indication that this investigation is indeed fast tracked.
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Jimmah unfiltered.

Jim Harbaugh Says Michigan Should Be ‘America’s Team’ Amid Sign-Stealing Scandal​

“It’s gotta be America’s team. It’s gotta be America’s team,” Harbaugh said of the Wolverines. “America loves a team that beats the odds, beats the adversity, overcomes what the naysayers, critics, so-called experts think. That’s my favorite kind of team.”

Entire article: https://www.si.com/college/2023/11/...d-be-americas-team-amid-sign-stealing-scandal

Yeah right, America loves cheating, lying........:lol:


On Monday, Harbaugh said he didn’t know if he would be called to speak in front of the judge. Still, he plans to attend the hearing, where Michigan will argue that Big Ten commissioner Tony Petitti lacked the authority to suspend Harbaugh under the league's Sportsmanship Policy.

Just wonderin': If he speaks to the judge Friday, will he be "under oath"? If so, perjury would be a "whole new ballgame"...... :lol:
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Ok - that makes sense.

I looked at the Eastern District lineup - like 2/3rds of that group has either graduated or lectured at scUM as well :lol:

hey man I'm an IT guy.... :lol:
I wouldn’t assume that all judges will be biased in favor of Harbaugh if they went to UM. It’s just as likely they are academics who resent the athletic department. Hopefully Harbaugh has drawn some nerd who spent their freshman year being tormented by jocks.
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Apparently a mod at michigan insider posted about 5 hours ago that the NCAA is interviewing players and offering immunity if they admit involvement or knowledge - supposedly something like that. Seems like the NCAA is fishing for whistleblowers.

Edit: apparently this is standard practice with ncaa investigations, however it may to be an indication that this investigation is indeed fast tracked.

If they are interviewing players and offering them immunity then they probably have something on that player that they can bargin with. Could these players have been placing bets with the knowledge that they had the other teams signs and had a competitive advantage to cover? I wouldn't call them whistleblowers if they are being offered immunity. If they are being offered immunity then they did something wrong. Just knowing of Stallions vast operation is enough to hand out penalties against the players.

To say the investigation is fast tracked is relative to what the definition of "fast" is. The school still would have 90 days to respond to any NCAA allegation. So every day that we don't get an allegation handed down is 90 days further down the road this is going.
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If any of y'all haven't read the entire 13 page letter from Tony Pititti, here it is. They are FUCKED.

"Given the University’s statement that evidence was scant and the Conference’s assertions
unsupported, the Conference made affirmative efforts to verify the University’s prior knowledge
of and access to relevant evidence. Accordingly, pursuant to the mandatory cooperation
provisions in the Sportsmanship Policy, the Conference requested the University’s consent to
allow the Conference to obtain from the NCAA all documents and information that the NCAA
had made available to the University in connection with the investigation into the impermissible
scheme. The University initially refused to provide such consent, citing confidentiality
provisions in the NCAA’s bylaws. The University also asserted that “[h]istorically, the NCAA,
to our knowledge, has not permitted disclosure.” The Conference promptly obtained written
confirmation from the NCAA that it did not object to providing such documents and information
upon receiving the University’s consent. The University ultimately provided its consent after
receiving this written confirmation from the NCAA."


"This additional evidence ... confirms what the evidence already reviewed by the Conference makes clear ...
This evidence also revealed significant new information from
interviews that the University attended, information that is covered by confidentiality under the
NCAA’s rules so as not discussed further here."
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Jim Harbaugh Says Michigan Should Be ‘America’s Team’ Amid Sign-Stealing Scandal​

“It’s gotta be America’s team. It’s gotta be America’s team,” Harbaugh said of the Wolverines. “America loves a team that beats the odds, beats the adversity, overcomes what the naysayers, critics, so-called experts think. That’s my favorite kind of team.”

Entire article: https://www.si.com/college/2023/11/...d-be-americas-team-amid-sign-stealing-scandal

Yeah right, America loves cheating, lying........:lol:


On Monday, Harbaugh said he didn’t know if he would be called to speak in front of the judge. Still, he plans to attend the hearing, where Michigan will argue that Big Ten commissioner Tony Petitti lacked the authority to suspend Harbaugh under the league's Sportsmanship Policy.

Just wonderin': If he speaks to the judge Friday, will he be "under oath"? If so, perjury would be a "whole new ballgame"...... :lol:
yeah they’re “Americas team” in one of those Mandarin videos in Iron Man 3
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