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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Interesting read regarding the Tennessee case:

Bottom line is that UT deserved a post season ban, but $ won out.

I believe the UM case is dramatically different due to the competitive advantage issue, but if they don't get a post season ban the whole thing is a farce.

Dollar fines are nothing. I can see it now as a booster walks up to the window to pay the fine:

"I'm here to pay the fine for the UM cheating scandal. And while I'm here can you give me one of those men's basketball championships and a couple of women's soccer titles for my wife."

"But sir, you realize there is a mandatory return policy for anything purchased at this window."

"Yes - but not really. You don't think taking down those Fab 5 banners actually changed anything do you?"
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"But sir, you realize there is a mandatory return policy for anything purchased at this window."

"Yes - but not really. You don't think taking down those Fab 5 banners actually changed anything do you?"

Ohio State beat Arkansas in that Sugar Bowl. 2010 season. Probably considered the 2011 Sugar Bowl.
You can say it's "Vacated", but it still happened.

Try to vacate M*ch*gan's successes on the field this year. It's just going to make the Big Ten and NCAA look silly. I mean, say that they win the Big Ten championship. The commissioner is going to hand them the trophy, knowing full well that the win will be vacated. It's just stupid.
Keep them out of the game. It's the only way to ensure that you don't have to take it away from them later.
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Ohio State beat Arkansas in that Sugar Bowl. 2010 season. Probably considered the 2011 Sugar Bowl.
You can say it's "Vacated", but it still happened.

Try to vacate M*ch*gan's successes on the field this year. It's just going to make the Big Ten and NCAA look silly. I mean, say that they win the Big Ten championship. The commissioner is going to hand them the trophy, knowing full well that the win will be vacated. It's just stupid.
Keep them out of the game. It's the only way to ensure that you don't have to take it away from them later.

And this is what scUM wants. It is the reason behind the "let due process play out". It has nothing to do with a new found sense of patience or proper justice. It's the team and their fans so desperately wanting a shot at a natty. Meaning, God forbid it happens, even with it vacated you'll still get the "Well, we all still saw it happen on the field and that is what counts".

The record books will show one thing, but the fans, ALL of us, will know and under it as something else.

The only way to truly punish is prevention. You can't have them getting to the conference title game or the playoffs. Given how the NCAA moves at the speed of glacier, it's really up to the Buckeyes to halt this madness in two weeks.
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Looks like it's not just Jim:
Harbaugh sons used unconventional means to help father build college  football powerhouse
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Ohio State beat Arkansas in that Sugar Bowl. 2010 season. Probably considered the 2011 Sugar Bowl.
You can say it's "Vacated", but it still happened.

Try to vacate M*ch*gan's successes on the field this year. It's just going to make the Big Ten and NCAA look silly. I mean, say that they win the Big Ten championship. The commissioner is going to hand them the trophy, knowing full well that the win will be vacated. It's just stupid.
Keep them out of the game. It's the only way to ensure that you don't have to take it away from them later.

There shouldn't be a question of their CCG eligibility at this point. Why should they get a chance to play for it? Not sure why there isn't more of a conversation and push for it in the national media. If Peterini or whatever his name is barely suspended Harbaugh, he won't keep them out of the CCG, though. Even if it makes the conference a laughingstock.

My only thought is that FOX wants Michigan to appear eligible for the CCG to boost ratings, and if god forbid they win the division, the conference could suspend them the next day. Would look pretty bad though.
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I have resigned my self to UM coninuting to play out the string this season.

Years from now folks may wonder how a team with a regular season record of 5-7 (at best) was B1G champs and played for the NC. Perhaps the B1G will step in after the OSU game, but other than that or Ono (or the committee so far as the NC is concerned) there is nothing in place to stop them.

I am still schocked at Ono. I don't know that I really expected him to stop the team, but I surely did not expect him to fully embrace them as he has. There has to be a segment of the alumni ready to explode.
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I have resigned my self to UM coninuting to play out the string this season.

Years from now folks may wonder how a team with a regular season record of 5-7 (at best) was B1G champs and played for the NC. Perhaps the B1G will step in after the OSU game, but other than that or Ono (or the committee so far as the NC is concerned) there is nothing in place to stop them.

I am still schocked at Ono. I don't know that I really expected him to stop the team, but I surely did not expect him to fully embrace them as he has. There has to be a segment of the alumni ready to explode.
Particularly the part on Ono I’m 100% there with you.

Given what has been presented I thought Michigan would end the season. The fact he didn’t and also embraced this cheating scandal like it’s no big deal is what’s wild to me.
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I have resigned my self to UM coninuting to play out the string this season.

Years from now folks may wonder how a team with a regular season record of 5-7 (at best) was B1G champs and played for the NC. Perhaps the B1G will step in after the OSU game, but other than that or Ono (or the committee so far as the NC is concerned) there is nothing in place to stop them.

I am still schocked at Ono. I don't know that I really expected him to stop the team, but I surely did not expect him to fully embrace them as he has. There has to be a segment of the alumni ready to explode.

Faculty are probably disgusted. I'm seeing most alumni taking a wait amd see approach and giving Ono the benefit of the doubt...hope for the best. If the hammer comes down and it becomes obvious that not only did Ono make this worse but he made tsun a laughingstock and worse the poster boy for out of control foosball programs, they'll turn on him really fast.
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Faculty are probably disgusted. I'm seeing most alumni taking a wait amd see approach and giving Ono the benefit of the doubt...hope for the best. If the hammer comes down and it becomes obvious that not only did Ono make this worse but he made tsun a laughingstock and worse the poster boy for out of control foosball programs, they'll turn on him really fast.
In all fairness, that ship sailed decades ago;-)
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