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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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If true, then UofM may have broken the record for the most amount of damaging material on a laptop. Most of us thought that record would never be broken. So they have that going for them……which is nice.
My biggest question with this theory is how would the FBI know in person scouting is against NCAA rules. I can't see them knowing and or caring to notify the NCAA.
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My biggest question with this theory is how would the FBI know in person scouting is against NCAA rules. I can't see them knowing and or caring to notify the NCAA.
The sign stealing info, I'd tend to agree. If they do have 50 hours of our practices on that laptop, it means they hacked computers at the WHAC across state lines. That is definitely a federal crime.
Fuck those guys.

This cuts so deeply to the integrity of the games (and Vegas lines) that the ncaa and B1G have no choice but to hammer tsun and the coaches so hard that no one will ever take the risk of attempting it again. For the coaches, I'm thinking about an NFL ban and at least a 5 year show cause in college. I have no sympathy for them at all. They literally took the Heisman away from CJ last year.
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The sign stealing info, I'd tend to agree. If they do have 50 hours of our practices on that laptop, it means they hacked computers at the WHAC across state lines. That is definitely a federal crime.

This cuts so deeply to the integrity of the games (and Vegas lines) that the ncaa and B1G have no choice but to hammer tsun and the coaches so hard that no one will ever take the risk of attempting it again. For the coaches, I'm thinking about an NFL ban and at least a 5 year show cause in college. I have no sympathy for them at all. They literally took the Heisman away from CJ last year.
Absolutely agree and was confident that near term action would be taken. But listening to the talking heads this weekend there seems to be (publicly at least) a sentiment that this is just normal shenanigans in overdrive.

BUT - they are not reacting to the next two shoes. How this was discovered and the practice tape.

So let it simmer and continue to be a discussion topic. Then play the trump card.
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But to reinforce ORDs point. I have been following football since the 60s (1960s, not my 60s).

When I look back at all of the penalties given out by the NCAA, they result from recruiting violations, improper benefits and ineligible players. Maybe somebody can help me out here, but I can't think of a case of one team was caught cheating to gain a specific competitive advantage on the field (other than having players who shouldn't have been there).

SMU got the death penalty for paying players. Bush theortically cost USC a title (everybody knows they won the game) because he was getting shit on the side. And of course, the mother of all outrages - players getting free tattoos.

To let UM potentially win a Big title and even an NC (giving them life long bragging rights at the cost of changing some search results) is beyond the pale.

(I can think of a team having an on field competitive edge over another involving the use of illegal cleats in the rain - but they let that one slide too.)
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I'm assuming tsun hired them. Otherwise, how do they get access to Weiss' computer, which is owned by and in the possession of tsun. I'd bet that when they discovered that he was hacking into student email accounts, tsun lawyers and/or campus PD brought in the independent firm to scour the computer and find out exactly what was on it. UMPD brought in the FBI to look over everyone's shoulders. When they also found all the sign stealing shit (and allegedly our practice videos), somebody made the decision to turn that over to the NCAA.

So, in my mind, there's three potential scenarios for why tsun turned themselves in:

--They had no choice because the FBI was involved and knew what was on the computer
--Warde Manuel saw this as his chance to finally rid himself of Simple Jim
--They sincerely wanted to do the right
Keep in mind that a if a UofM staff attorney found any evidence of a crime being committed, he would be obligated by ethical standards to report it.
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But to reinforce ORDs point. I have been following football since the 60s (1960s, not my 60s).

When I look back at all of the penalties given out by the NCAA, they result from recruiting violations, improper benefits and ineligible players. Maybe somebody can help me out here, but I can't think of a case of one team was caught cheating to gain a specific competitive advantage on the field (other than having players who shouldn't have been there).

SMU got the death penalty for paying players. Bush theortically cost USC a title (everybody knows they won the game) because he was getting shit on the side. And of course, the mother of all outrages - players getting free tattoos.

To let UM potentially win a Big title and even an NC (giving them life long bragging rights at the cost of changing some search results) is beyond the pale.

(I can think of a team having an on field competitive edge over another involving the use of illegal cleats in the rain - but they let that one slide too.)
And in all those cases, Vegas didn't give a fuck. As long as they had accurate knowledge of who was and wasn't playing, they set their lines accordingly. Whether the Tat-5 should have been playing was irrelevant to them. This is the complete opposite. This is something behind the scenes that affects the outcome and something they weren't able to bake into the lines.
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And in all those cases, Vegas didn't give a fuck. As long as they had accurate knowledge of who was and wasn't playing, they set their lines accordingly. Whether the Tat-5 should have been playing was irrelevant to them. This is the complete opposite. This is something behind the scenes that affects the outcome and something they weren't able to bake into the lines.
This is why I think it won’t go unpunished prior to the seasons end. Sports betting is big business now with the leagues actually embracing it. And there is NO WAY they will risk losing customer confidence.
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My biggest question with this theory is how would the FBI know in person scouting is against NCAA rules. I can't see them knowing and or caring to notify the NCAA.

I mean the one fbi dude knew trading trophies for tats was ncaa illegal and notified Tress.
I think the "interstate cybercrime" is them hacking Ohio State's practice footage though.
And so the sign stealing, while not fed illegal, is adjacent to the fed illegal activity and establishes moral turpitude or something or other. It comes into the case as supporting material.
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And in all those cases, Vegas didn't give a fuck. As long as they had accurate knowledge of who was and wasn't playing, they set their lines accordingly. Whether the Tat-5 should have been playing was irrelevant to them. This is the complete opposite. This is something behind the scenes that affects the outcome and something they weren't able to bake into the lines.
My gut feeling is this is exactly why it's not going away. People with money and power were affected negatively, and they didn't get their money and power by letting some shit like Harbaugh get away with screwing them. This is different than other cheating scandals. The NCAA won't be calling all the shots.
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