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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Absolutely agree and was confident that near term action would be taken. But listening to the talking heads this weekend there seems to be (publicly at least) a sentiment that this is just normal shenanigans in overdrive.

BUT - they are not reacting to the next two shoes. How this was discovered and the practice tape.

So let it simmer and continue to be a discussion topic. Then play the trump card.
Yeah I sense a lot of people think this isn’t a big deal but I don’t think those people totally are grasping.

I truly think most of these talking heads aren’t paying attention to the details. That they think they are stealing signs and what’s the big deal?

They aren’t grasping they paid people to commit over 70 NCAA rules violations and then used the information to figure out what plays are going to be run.

If more comes out, and I think it will… then I still maintain they’re going to take action against ttun before we play. Whether that’s a post season ban or forfeiting their season it all depends what comes out tomorrow
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They have literally turned into the Cult circa November 2011. Their football coach is more important than the integrity of their program/school.

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They have literally turned into the Cult circa November 2011. Their football coach is more important than the integrity of their program/school.

From the "article:"

"OSU hit campaign is working to a perfectly...

Just effing win it all!"

These people are mental...
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They have literally turned into the Cult circa November 2011. Their football coach is more important than the integrity of their program/school.

De-fucking-lusional……that’s what they are….
A slim chance in khaki pants is what they are…
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