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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Haha these idiots at ttun are priceless..

I’ve seen one guy like “well the contract is more like on hold not rescinded”.

Guys, he was the head coach of a program that broke 2 rules likely over 40 times and that doesn’t even count all the Covid rule violations.

Do you really think he’s coming back let alone not getting fired?

I think the hope by Michigan has to be to fire Harbaugh and hope to god the NCAA doesn’t murder their program.
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I won’t be surprised if harbaugh doesn’t coach another game for tcun. Feels like it’s gonna move fast this week…
I have a feeling this week is going to be Christmas to last weeks Christmas Eve.

Fuck them. They deserve everything coming to them.

I really hope they’re ending the teams year. If they do I’m going to be the most insufferable prick to my Michigan neighbor.
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They seem to be missing the point that if the University was just putting things on hold until the smoke cleared they might not want to make it public - which would have been easy.

Instead the WSJ of all places got the scoop.

I also love that they are blaming Manuel when it is coming from above.

This is Ono and the Regents making their first public statement.
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