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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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He’s really in the believe that the OSU media is driving all of this lol it’s wild.

Instead of wondering if the allegations are true or if his teams success has been fraudulent he’s worried about some huge buckeye media blitz narrative.

Just zero respect for that guy now
Yeah because everybody knows that the media is always on the Buckeyes side, and we are able to sway a narrative.

Give me a break. These people really can't possibly believe this crap.
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That is an excellent idea. Dozens of people should in-person scout those cheaters the three weeks and post their intel on social media, mainstream media, Buckeye Roundtable, etc...

Left arm across the chest, right elbow at 90 degrees - run outside to the left. Jazz hands - deep crossing route over the middle. Harbaugh picking his nose - he's hungry.
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How bad can DFBIA misinterpret this you ask?

They’ve circled back to the “Michigan is actually saving the game because this is going to expose that everyone is doing it and make the NCAA change the rules!” Mental gymnastic. With some “This is going to end up worse for Ohio State than Michigan when the dust settles!” Delusion sprinkled in.
So I read the the posts. First is irrational - it’s their fault bs. But then comes Honker Burger and another poster saying it’s on Michigan and who vetted porn name?

so pretty sane stuff next to insane stuff. Pretty much what you see on most fan boards.
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If the State Penn crown doesn't show up like this I will lose what little respect I have for them.

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Wow just wow.
Deace is insane.
What I find amazing is the complete inability of that fan base to accept any accountability that old Jimbo was cheating. Or they insist that everyone odes this.....yes tOSU has a military code breaker on staff (I know giving him way too much credit) who is sending minions to other teams games and amassing a catalog of their signs. Yep I am sure all teams do this.
Also the dots have been connected numerous times on how this all got discovered. It came through the investigation of the coach that was let go and had his computer searched by the FBI. The word is that all of this stemmed from shared docs that uncovered all of this stuff and was given to the NCAA and B10. Now while I do not know this to be fact. It is the most logical explanation.

Regardless, this is the oldest plan of attack on Earth. When you do not like the topic being debated or can not refute it you attack the person and not the subject matter at hand. In this case the accepted plan of attack is to call everything into question. I mean everything. Even claim that their is not evidence that the horsey even is connected to the team (I have heard this one at first). And that even if he did it the team did not use it or benefit (then video of him on sidelines with a cheat sheet). It is literally madness. But this is also the school that refuses to acknowledge that Bo was sending players on purpose to a Doctor he clearly knew to be a sexual predator. They can do the mental gymnastics needed to justify anything.
You’re cooking until the next to last sentence. Jim Jordan knew.
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