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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Cause when Harbaugh was getting his ask kicked he seemed like the one the sane ones at least when it came Harbaugh lol

I agree. The Michigan podcast was more entertaining when Michigan was getting beat down every year. Even the past couple of years he at least kept it even keeled handling Michigan's success. That last one when he went over the however many of points was total denial and anger. Is he at bargaining yet? Somebody better make a well visit when he gets to the depression stage.
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Hoping for a Sunday news dump, with Michigan thinking it will get lost in the NFL coverage.
I don’t think UM is driving the news cycle. The current speculation amongst the Ohio State beat is that the next shoe to drop involving Weiss, what he was doing on his computer, and that investigation into it, which found the sign stealing operation and potentially the Ohio State hack and practice footage theft, requires extra steps in verification before publishing due to the sensitive nature of the allegations/investigation.
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I am pessimistically thinking that no one is going to punish M*ch*gan this year. The NCAA can't do anything for 90 days. The Big Ten wants to win a championship. If you ask me, a vacated championship is worse than no championship, but maybe for the entities that are set to make a lot of money out of it, a championship is a championship, vacated or not. It's pissing me of just thinking about it, but that's what I think they'll do: nothing.
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I am pessimistically thinking that no one is going to punish M*ch*gan this year. The NCAA can't do anything for 90 days. The Big Ten wants to win a championship. If you ask me, a vacated championship is worse than no championship, but maybe for the entities that are set to make a lot of money out of it, a championship is a championship, vacated or not. It's pissing me of just thinking about it, but that's what I think they'll do: nothing.
Yes, they'll grow a set of synthetic balls after the money hits the bank.
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