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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Good read:

Remember when TCU pulled a 51-45 upset in the national semifinals last season? Coach Sonny Dykes mixed in new calls known as “dummy signals.” A Horned Frogs coach told Yahoo Sports on Friday: “Sometimes we froze a play before the snap. We’d call a play and then we’d signal in another play with an old signal, but we told players to run the original play.”

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It's all good. Our 13 year old daughter was right there with her when it happened, came and got me. It's all on RING. Had several Dr.'s ask her what happened over and over. Can't blame 'em these days.
I’m impressed that you were able to hack the RING footage and edit your daughter into there instead of yourself.

Are you interested in being tOSU’s director of scouting future opponents?
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Do we know who hired the outside investigation firm and when they actually stared? The only thing I found is that they started "this season". There are rumors that Ohio State hired them. There are rumors that Michigan hired them either to show that they are looking into it to ease any NCAA penalties or to get dirt on JIM to get rid of him.
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Do we know who hired the outside investigation firm and when they actually stared? The only thing I found is that they started "this season". There are rumors that Ohio State hired them. There are rumors that Michigan hired them either to show that they are looking into it to ease any NCAA penalties or to get dirt on JIM to get rid of him.
I'm assuming tsun hired them. Otherwise, how do they get access to Weiss' computer, which is owned by and in the possession of tsun. I'd bet that when they discovered that he was hacking into student email accounts, tsun lawyers and/or campus PD brought in the independent firm to scour the computer and find out exactly what was on it. UMPD brought in the FBI to look over everyone's shoulders. When they also found all the sign stealing shit (and allegedly our practice videos), somebody made the decision to turn that over to the NCAA.

So, in my mind, there's three potential scenarios for why tsun turned themselves in:

--They had no choice because the FBI was involved and knew what was on the computer
--Warde Manuel saw this as his chance to finally rid himself of Simple Jim
--They sincerely wanted to do the right thing
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